Example sentences of "[vb past] for [art] [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 Scientists working on the jet fusion project at Culham in south Oxfordshire have been protesting today in a bid to influence leading figures in the project as they met for the second day of their full Council Meeting .
2 Simon Lawler , prosecuting asked for a 14 day adjournment so that the charges against the two officers could be finalised .
3 We asked for an extra day , and that was fine .
4 When Chuck crossed to the cook tent , carrying his rifle for the early start they planned for the final day , his father was already sitting at a table in the open , sipping a steaming mug of black coffee .
5 This combination of Infirmary League and Friendly Society was a good insurance against sickness but , of course , there were always those who never provided for the rainy day .
6 He headed for the Seventh Day Adventist College , New Bold in Berkshire .
7 As the agreement was announced Mount Pinatubo erupted for a 39th day , spurting clouds of steam and ash 14,000 metres into the air , and showering Manila — about 90 km south of the volcano — with quantities of ash and grit sufficient to cause the temporary closure of the city 's domestic and international airports .
8 Starving and tired I prepared for the next day .
9 And although England removed nightwatchman Morrison without fuss on the final morning , the draw looked odds-on as the tourists toiled for a third day in the field .
10 It rained for a few days after that shake of early March .
11 He had no strong views on fox hunting , he just went for a cheap day out .
12 Grandma lay for a few days drifting in and out of sleep , unaware of everything about her , until one afternoon when Julia and Carrie were sitting with her .
13 When this came to light we insisted for a few days that employees should seek permission to leave the company premises .
14 She burst into floods of horrible tears , and cried for a whole day .
15 He was so fed up that he put another penny to the one earned for a whole day 's labour and went to the pub where he drowned his sorrows in a pint .
16 The hearings ran for a hundred days during the summer and autumn of 1977 .
17 Whereas in Northumberland it rarely lasted for a whole day and almost never appeared on consecutive days , in London and Surrey it seemed to shine uninterrupted for weeks at a time .
18 MR Ladislav Adamec , the Czechoslovak Prime Minister , threatened to quit last night , as hard bargaining continued for a second day with the opposition over the shape of the new government .
19 This vigorous phase continued for a few days , with the column of steam and ash climbing eleven kilometres high above the volcano and showering ash over points up to 480 kilometres distant .
20 We stayed for a few days in Paris on the way home , and Elizabeth wrote to me at our hotel .
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