Example sentences of "[vb past] it could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 Some large firms have found it impossible to match competitors ' spending : Jaguar found it could not afford the costs of developing the next generation of engines and models and was forced to sell out to Ford in 1989 for £1.6 billion .
2 Which basically found it could n't make a railway service run and dropped it .
3 Then Wim went off and tagged IBM and when IBM and HP agreed to support a common position Sun eventually found it could n't resist , especially with Novell nudging it on .
4 Many women realized that our trade union did n't have the support of the management and believed it could n't resolve any of our problems .
5 Joseph Payne , an Alex Brown & Sons would let loose a huge supply of stock onto the market and fund managers would n't stand for it — a rather naive statement since the non-executive directors would be in breach of their fiduciary duty if they allowed IBM to pay a dividend they judged it could not afford .
6 Sharpe reckoned it could not take the enemy longer than an hour to overrun the fragile line of Dutch-Belgian troops , and in one further hour they could have fortified the crossroads to make them impassable to the British .
7 The sceptics at GM reckoned it could never work — the motor would overheat and no battery could store enough energy to turn over a car 's engine .
8 And the revenue got mean and decided it could n't afford the time of serving officers and it left pre-retirement council and other bodies with a gap to fill er the only other people who are er professional if you like , who could fill it , would be accountants and they were n't available .
9 One , Federal Express just decided it would n't do it any more , and other other one Elan , a couple of weeks ago , or last week or whatever it was , decided it could n't afford to do it any more .
10 Then Wim went off and tagged IBM and when IBM and Hewlett agreed to support a common position Sun decided it could n't resist , especially with Novell Inc nudging it on .
11 In its need to show a determination to repatriate boat people , the Government decided it could not wait to send the volunteers home first .
12 Early in the 1630s Calvert announced his conversion to Catholicism and , though Charles I valued his services and asked him to stay at court , he decided it could only cause trouble if he did so .
13 O&Y 's liquidity crisis meant it could not repay the holders when they refused to roll over the commercial paper .
14 He neither went towards her nor withdrew and she saw it could not go on like that .
15 It was one of the truly marvellous innings , one that no one who saw it could ever forget ; since it has been shown on television virtually every time rain has stopped play in any match since , it would be almost impossible to have forgotten it anyway .
16 If the school felt it could not cope with Balbinder then maybe he would be better in a more sympathetic environment .
17 The association felt it could not undertake this work but would seek the help of the local Scouts .
18 The association felt it could not undertake this work but would seek the help of the local Scouts .
19 Sainsbury 's felt it could not justify investment at either of these locations and instead surprised everyone by buying land at Parc Menai which has already got planning consent for a hotel and conference centre .
20 It felt it could not oppose the Israeli-Egyptian peace treaty brokered by the United States in March 1979 , but at the same time viewed it with ambivalence .
21 According to Pat Hutchinson of Luton Consumer Services , Turbosoft was very successful at first but as the firm grew it could n't cope with the volume of orders received — Trading Standards have had over 400 complaints to date , and they 're still coming in !
22 You knew it could n't last .
23 I knew it could n't work .
24 Things started so well at the weekend I knew it could not last .
25 Just when I thought it could n't get any better the Turkish police steamed in a chinned Big Nose and Bryan ‘ As I say ’ Knobson .
26 It rained that Summer and when you thought it could not rain any more , it rained again .
27 Granpa thought it could well have been a Saturday , felt it most likely the month had been January , was confident the year was 1900 , and knew it was in the reign of Queen Victoria .
28 They both probably thought it could never happen to them .
29 However , elation at the beauty of the surroundings meant tandooried legs were far from my thoughts , and as we continued to the shapely Sgurr an Lochain , towering as it does over a tiny dark blue lochan , we agreed it could n't get much better .
30 it was being reorganized and the lady who did it could n't do it any more and would one of us like to take the
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