Example sentences of "[vb past] it at [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She had drawn her fair hair high into an elaborate plait down the back of her head and fastened it at the bottom with a wide tortoiseshell clasp : it looked distinguished and competent , but nowhere near cuddly .
2 Like someone in a trance , she gazed at the clasp that fastened it at the throat .
3 The man came back from the bank in a van and the other men stopped it at the gate and grabbed the money . ’
4 Setting the blaster to low power , he directed it at the indentation , melting the rock slowly and gently .
5 After sorely abusing the corpse , they buried it at the foot of the gallows , intending the burial as a final disgrace .
6 ‘ David played it at a soundcheck and when I asked him if it was about Shaun he just smiled and then denied it .
7 He took the kettle from its hook above the fire and filled it at the sink .
8 Then Nour turned and saw us , and he leapt from his chair and took a cup of coffee ready-poured and threw it at the cat , who was near my foot , so that my foot was covered in coffee and the cat fled .
9 He took the grenade from his pocket , unleased the pin and threw it at the base of the double gates .
10 Stein came along , smelt the drink , refused to listen to Rough 's explanation , picked up the glass and threw it at the keeper and marched off .
11 They looked intently at him , then at each other , then executed a smart about-face ; the scullion with the loaf threw it at the other , who caught it and started to hit the other minion over the head with it as they ran back into the mist the way they had come , their figures — one crouched almost double , one striking out with the loaf of bread — and their running footsteps quickly absorbed by the rolling mists .
12 Slowly and carefully he picked up a stone and threw it at the window .
13 It started finally at the third attempt , and Sabine was almost weeping as she threw it at the hill .
14 He tore it off and threw it at the wastepaper basket .
15 Not that the organs of perception apprehended it at the time .
16 As Kopyion walked towards him , Carlson ordered him to stop , aimed his weapon and fired it at the general 's shoulder .
17 Duke reckoned it at a mile and three-quarters ; the most conservative estimates put it at over a mile .
18 John found a torch and shone it at the engine cowling .
19 He picked up his book again , opened it at the marker and settled himself in his seat .
20 I sensed it at the funeral .
21 Once again a very enjoyable evening , erm , I pushed into something that er , I do n't think she really wanted to do initially , but she thoroughly enjoyed it at the end .
22 A farmer had a load of unwanted sawdust so piled it at the end of his drive with a notice : ‘ Free sawdust — help yourself ’ .
23 Thornton rebuilt it at the foot of the castle ramparts .
24 I ordered it at the branch of the Times Library then housed in Elliston and Cavell 's , the nearest equivalent to Harrods in the Oxford of pre-war years , and remember with what excitement I received it from their admirable librarian Miss Lush ( now Lady Ormerod ) at the end of my day 's work in the Bodleian .
25 Ah , I think the Foreign Office was trying to pursue the only sensible policy as it perceived it at the time , right through the entire period , um , since 1965 .
26 Yes , that 's how I perceived it at the time , but I was wrong .
27 The challenge which Gandhi posed to the British , as they perceived it at the time , was not to their consciences but to their authority .
28 They heard it at the beginning rather than at the end .
29 I remember also the reaction of one or two of Ben 's older contemporaries , Constant Lambert and Patrick Hadley , who were particularly touched by this quartet when they first heard it at the dress rehearsal .
30 ‘ Anybody could have driven it to Exeter and dumped it at the station without leaving traces that would be discovered by anything short of a pukka forensic examination . ’
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