Example sentences of "[vb past] it for [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fuqua Industries first estimated the cost of capital for the corporate group using CAPM principles and then modified it for a division by reference to fourteen key risk elements .
2 I never doubted it for a minute , Jane , never .
3 On Feb. 26 the policy was presented to the Sejm ( lower chamber ) , which referred it for a report by its economic , finance and budgetary committee .
4 ‘ You think we just built it for the tourists ? ’
5 THE French count who is to marry the Princess of Wales ' stepmother , Raine , Countess of Spencer , said yesterday he felt ‘ totally abused ’ by people who rented his chateau then used it for a porn film .
6 Melcarek and Brown then used it for a study of the effects of chill stress on both prompt and delayed fluorescence .
7 I liked it so much that I used it for the show and played the hell out of it , it sounded so good .
8 He tried it for a day , but grew bored with museums and heavy concentration , and their clumsy attempts to pick up girls ; he returned to the room during the day when they were out .
9 She tried it for a week , and then , then went to live with the Americans , and said the food was too fattening .
10 He actually came into Frankfurt in his hired BMW , then changed it for a Mercedes .
11 ‘ We had it fitted out in the States , changed it for the case provided by the Pentagon just before take-off last night . ’
12 He did discover a serious oil leak in its engine late last year and immediately changed it for the spare he keeps in what looks like a glass case in his garage .
13 Dirichlet , appalled by this , grabbed the page from Gauss and treasured it for the rest of his life .
14 But again Hal believed it for the truth .
15 Bosses swapped it for a £900 Skoda .
16 A wealthy man bought a truck and the poorer partner drove it for a wage .
17 The other car , the other De Dion we had , burst its radiator , but we are very resourceful ; we went and bought thirty foot of garden hose and connected it to the engine and sent the water round and round the car and that acted as a radiator , and we drove it for a week like that .
18 He studied it for a while , whistled and rang Fulham .
19 He handed the paper to Hawkins , who studied it for a moment , then said : ‘ I know those places marked with an asterisk .
20 they were having one here as well and erm they booked it for the day and they were staying there overnight , cos they were , they 've got a house and they were gon na let guests stay at their house and while they stayed up there and then
21 So I switched off the PCW , ignored it for a week , played pool and drank frequent large tomato juices .
22 Instead , he renewed it for a year ; by June 3rd he has to decide whether to do so again .
23 Leonora admired it for a moment .
24 He shook it for a while until it gurgled and moved its head weakly .
25 I wanted to cut my hair short , and they allowed it for a while , until they discovered from a ‘ friend ’ that I am a lesbian , and then they tried everything they could to stop me dressing as I used to .
26 Welcome back to Central News South : Coming up in a few minutes , the farmer who 's taken maternity hospital technology and adapted it for the lambing season .
27 Alter this technique had been invented , it was only a matter of time before weapons designers adapted it for the detection of submarines .
28 In 1924 his widow sold the dramatic rights of Dracula to Hamilton Deane , who adapted it for the stage ; in 1930 the rights were bought by the Universal Pictures Corporation of Hollywood for $40,000 .
29 During production , or soon afterwards , the Alexis Master adapted it for the use of St Christina of Markyate ( born c .1096 , q.v. ) by adding the Alexis and Emmaus drawings , intended to echo incidents in Christina 's own life .
30 When they reached the next chamber he extinguished it and exchanged it for the torch .
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