Example sentences of "[vb past] it to be a " in BNC.

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1 It also permits us to understand why only to is used with a verb such as discern : ( 49 ) We discerned it to be a man .
2 Richard found it to be a ‘ town … full of temptations ’ .
3 I found it to be a splendid panegyric on the peaceful uses of atomic energy , though to present a history of nuclear power without even mentioning the existence of hydrogen bombs , may be thought by some to overdo the euphoria .
4 He can simply state in evidence that he examined the licence and found it to be a current provisional .
5 The man took a couple of steps back as they headed for him ; but then they stopped , as if they 'd sensed his fury and found it to be a wall that they hesitated to scale .
6 Changing direction , she hurried towards the place , and found it to be a large open space , surrounded by little shops , their shutters closed now , but by the legends she could just see painted above their doors they were given over to trade .
7 When they reached the stream they found it to be a rushing torrent that swept in mad haste along a narrow bed .
8 I never found it to be a boring job , erm if it is boring I think it 's because they 're only making it , if they make it that way and I think it 's partly due , if they , if people do talk that way then I think it 's partly due to the sort of duty systems that people work now , and erm the number of hours they work , and , and strangely for little things like the introduction of television , I think television , very nice in its way but it 's killed life on fire stations and in certain areas , cos the whole business of conversation and learning and so on has gone , people would much sooner sit nowadays in front of the television and be entertained for an evening , instead of using all the other skills and , and erm things that are offered to them .
9 Thomas Browne , the seventeenth-century physician and author , believed it to be a misunderstanding caused by an alchemical description that had been too literally interpreted .
10 Unlike Aunt Kit , who believed it to be a barbaric rite , intolerable between reasonable men and women , Aunt Lilian , the headmistress , simply felt it her duty to point out that a career — any career — would be less easy once a girl was lumbered with a husband and children .
11 A small German dealer ( who has asked to remain anonymous ) , who often stopped by , was shown the picture by the proprietor who believed it to be an Italian or Flemish painting .
12 She believed it to be an " implied recognition of the PLO " and hoped that the next step would be an official meeting between the Israeli government and the PLO .
13 However , referee Ford judged it to be a yellow card offence and the free-kick came to nothing .
14 She was born in Middlesbrough and her parents and family were from Skelton , so I always assumed it to be a North Yorkshire expression .
15 Yet , during the late 1930s , Labour 's clear hostility towards European fascism , and its support of the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War confirmed it to be a party which was prepared to face up to fascism .
16 Lamont declared it to be a " budget for recovery " which he predicted would " start slowly but gather pace " .
17 Yet fifty years after Ramsey 's book a good judge of religious thought and literature during the twentieth century declared it to be an enduring masterpiece , which pointed forward to the road which Anglicans and not only Anglicans would follow .
18 Far from moping about her painful and progessive myopia , she declared it to be an advantage because , having to peer so closely , she could detect objects that the well-sighted passed without noticing .
19 This was confirmed on computed tomography and biopsy showed it to be a well differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma .
20 If employers ignore advice and subsequently it emerges that it was a real problem , that steps should have been taken , that research elsewhere showed it to be a reasonable system to look after employees mental health , then the scale is potentially enormous .
21 If he showed it to be an impossible concept , he continued to demonstrate that it remains a necessary one , and acknowledged that we must learn to live with that impossibility .
22 A quick glance through the nearest showed it to be an empty chamber built of oddly fitted blocks of Cyclopean size .
23 On the other hand , de Gaulle undoubtedly knew about the invasion plan , did not declare unambiguously against it ( because he needed it to be a plausible threat in order to coerce the republican leadership ) , and , when the regime 's resistance stiffened momentarily on 27 – 28 May , was willing to contemplate coming to power as a result of it .
24 Dean 's death had a profound effect on him — maybe he felt it to be a premonition .
25 In fact , Theda thought it a beautiful old building , and felt it to be a pity that it should have been allowed to go to rack .
26 He had the freedom of spirit to cut through convention and authority if he felt it to be an impediment to his calling .
27 Rather embarrassed that he had waited … as if he had been hanging on … shy , although it could not be the surroundings , he very gratefully accepted the offer of claret , knew it to be a good one and said so … did not know quite what to say … he had found a peculiar empathy grow between himself and this handsome , strong , elegant , privileged man of the world when they had been in the little hill church of St Kentigern 's .
28 But he knew it to be a frequently found trait , for most of the Noble Lords of Tara had long since dispersed and the enchanted Beastblood , once guarded so jealously , had nearly died out .
29 If this were the case then a junction would only be more likely to be recalled if the subject had actually felt at risk even if they knew it to be a generally dangerous junction .
30 Moreover , they knew it to be a cloud .
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