Example sentences of "[vb past] it [be] [adv] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At the County Ground it was just as close .
2 Until some spoilsport thought to measure the 100-yard track — and found it was just over 70 yards .
3 I had n't read pornography until I wrote the book and when I read it I found it was so badly written it meant nothing to me .
4 Oh no I assumed it was just here and .
5 Nowadays when tigers are ‘ shot ’ and measured it is almost always by research scientists .
6 For some time a rumour had persisted that Horemheb , in his moves to clear up the corruption which had flourished like rampant weed during the years in which the city had fallen into neglect , had more than once attempted to close it ; but that the interests which protected it were still too powerful for him to dispense with .
7 And since the town is now totally overrun with lead swingers , how come that survey the other week claimed it was just about pollution free ?
8 Forgot it was there actually .
9 I forgot it was there now look , those eighty twos .
10 He had been urgently summoned by the sexton , whom the vicar had sent off on horseback , and he was annoyed at being dragged from his bed in Kettlewell , so early on Christmas Eve ; especially as by the time he arrived it was all over .
11 Tasting it , she discovered it was actually quite pleasant .
12 In 1979 , BOC changed its top management and decided it was no longer interested in Hall Automation .
13 Francis wondered whether he ought to mention money , then decided it was too soon .
14 Talks have been going on for weeks over the future of the Royal marriage , but despite repeated attempts to save it , the Queen finally decided it was all over on Tuesday afternoon .
15 Chief Medical Officer , Sir Donald Aitchison , warned it 's now vitally important that heterosexuals adopt safer behaviour patterns .
16 Although I knew that he was getting the care that he needed it was so hard not to be able to hold and feed him , but only to sit and look at him lying in this bright , plastic container .
17 Both BBC viewers and those who did not watch the BBC were agreed on balance that it was biased towards the Conservatives though those who actually watched it were more evenly divided on the direction of BBC bias than those who did not ( Table 6.1 again ) .
18 I cycled over from Creeting at the usual time and when I started it were all right .
19 Glancing at the clock , Paige saw it was now well past the hour .
20 Mr MacAskill commented : ‘ It became clear the vote was a confidence issue in the party convener and I felt it was no longer appropriate that I should remain in his cabinet . ’
21 I expect he felt it was all over when he saw me and realised our relationship .
22 But some traders felt it was all too little too late .
23 We did n't want to play an indoor stadium and we felt it was too soon to repeat Loch Lomond .
24 The pain in her head had subsided into the background , but she felt it was still dangerously capable of moving once again into the foreground if she got up .
25 ‘ We all felt it was very well received , ’ said Colin .
26 And after all Elizabeth had done for her , heaven only knew it was little enough to ask in return .
27 I always stopped to look at it , although I knew it was much too expensive .
28 And then slowly he smiled , and the smile lit the dark blue eyes and transformed the face , and she knew it was all right ; she had n't done the wrong thing after all .
29 She knew it was all right , this time .
30 But , in a big , big way the fireman knew it was all right .
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