Example sentences of "[vb past] it [adj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Russell smiled again but Dexter found it impossible to decide whether it was a smile of contemplation , charm or mendacity — or all three .
2 He found it impossible to believe that he had ever been able to write a book or give a lecture , or advise a government .
3 ‘ The snag was , she found it impossible to accept that anyone could possibly find her less than addictive .
4 I asked my neighbour to turn down her records as I found it impossible to concentrate and she said the only way she could cope with the stress of her reality was to blast her music .
5 Some South American students , for whom English was a second or third language , found it impossible to read and understand Lawrence 's play The Daughter-in-Law , a play where the use of Eastwood dialect renders it only easily accessible to those at home with varieties of regional English .
6 But being married to him had taught her that he was not a man who found it easy to forgive and forget — indeed , she was tempted to think that he enjoyed harbouring grudges and taking revenge .
7 A day of celebration and a day of tragedy , one superimposed upon the other , so that Amabel , who did not even wish to be rational , found it easy to believe that Ben Braithwaite had broken not only Linnet 's heart , but Gemma 's .
8 Alcuin thought he might be employed in making peace , but the fact that he found it necessary to protest that he had never been disloyal to Offa suggests that his allegiances were being called into question .
9 This is , presumably , why Lockheed found it necessary to ensure that it was granted contracts around the world by offering financial inducements to decision-makers in the 1960s and 1970s .
10 He found it hard to remember whether you had to position yourself on the left or the right side .
11 Even now , after this short while , she found it hard to remember if Johnny had truly been with her or if it had been only a dream .
12 Because they had been confused and upset early on in the campaign they found it hard to relax and trust us .
13 And although I found it hard to understand that you did n't want to meet her again that evening , I accepted that she was possibly ‘ not your type ’ .
14 He found it hard to believe that the 3 per cent of allegations of racial discrimination sustained by the authority could reflect the true picture , and he supported an independent investigatory agency to handle all aspects of complaints against the police .
15 She found it hard to believe that a Press Officer would be party to evidence of this nature .
16 She still found it hard to believe that any British ship could be in danger so near to home ; even when Jock had explained that unless a submarine was in water deep enough in which to dive , an escort was essential .
17 I found it hard to believe that Flora could suffer like other people from minor humiliations , personal relationships .
18 I found it hard to believe that , even if he had been out of the country , his family could have moved away without his knowing .
19 So that Clara , although she found it hard to believe that she herself was thus chosen , had no alternative to believing it .
20 Looking back afterwards , Florrie found it hard to believe that such a tragedy could have arisen from such trivial , everyday circumstances .
21 Everyone began to listen carefully to the news bulletins on the wireless and to buy newspapers as soon as they were printed , yet people found it hard to believe that war could really happen .
22 She found it hard to believe that such a thing had happened , and tears came to her eyes .
23 She found it hard to believe that Julius would actually carry out his threat to tell the press about that letter , but she could n't be absolutely sure he would n't do it .
24 They faced each other , and she found it hard to believe that he could be involved in anything underhand .
25 Now that she was thinking more rationally , all the old doubts came back , and she found it hard to believe that she could have behaved so rashly .
26 She still found it hard to believe that someone would go to all that trouble just for her .
27 Kate still found it hard to believe that this single-minded , dedicated , successful career man could be so uncertain of himself .
28 Similarly , I found it hard to believe that Neil Morrissey , as Danny in the Comedy Playhouse pilot Stuck On You , was a sports journalist when he seemed able to fulfil all his professional obligations without leaving his flat .
29 Curtis found it hard to believe that he was looking at the killer of at least twenty people .
30 She watched them go off together , then went in search of Robert , though she found it hard to believe that he really wanted to talk to her .
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