Example sentences of "[vb past] it and [pron] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 I just painted it and I 'll go over it with the black .
2 If external then the situation caused it and it may have been outside the control of the individual .
3 Well not the least interesting moment in that first half was that peculiar back pass and the free kwick kick which followed it and we 'll come to that in a moment .
4 Well erm you see although I learned shorthand and typing it was better money and that was the reason I had to do it , I 've passed my exams in shorthand but er probably there were n't enough offices then to employ a good many clerks , but erm they er it was a very big fellow who used to ring the bell and the bell was on the outside , he was named Tom but I ca n't for the life of me think erm what his other name was but , erm it used to put the fear through us I can tell you if we were around the corner and we heard that bell ringing but erm they , they were a good firm to work for and , but they were strict but everywhere was strict in those days , we had to accept it but it was a long long hours , but erm they knew I had some , I , I enjoyed it and I 'd go back again only I 'm too old .
5 ‘ Then she spent it and I 'd like to know what on .
6 My volunteers really loved it and they could n't believe they could actually lose weight yet eat so much .
7 ‘ You started it and you ca n't stop it . ’
8 I knew it and I could n't do anything about it . ’
9 I never expected it and I can still hardly believe it .
10 Well read it and you 'll find out .
11 Now you 're gon na get on and read it and you can report back in ten minutes and I do n't want any questions .
12 All right , Clare never admitted it and I ca n't prove it , but it still seems a betting certainty . ’
13 I did n't wan na go the hospital 'cos they 'd have wanted to know how I did it and I would have had to turkey in there .
14 I 'll get the bastards who did it and it 'll be one of the Costers .
15 And then after that when the ship was finished , then they used to sort that all out , the timber , different sizes , then y and then or were there , their own people to stack the timber and when they stacked it , they stacked it and they used to put splines between each layer of timber and that was to season the timber .
16 It was only a one-sided lock , which is completely and totally different to an ordinary lock er working both sides , you see what I mean and er I er I 'd got to er make a key , number thirty-nine just like that , see but I had it and I could find out what thirty-nine was and I could make them one and send it and knowing it would fit see and er when they had different people working there , you know staff , things like that , not a lot of orders but er somebody else come .
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