Example sentences of "[vb past] to be [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 The noise was intense , constant chatter , voices raised in argument , an air of expectancy , even tension , as everyone pretended to be involved in what was happening around them but secretly watched the great ones at the high table .
2 Sheila , a year younger still , was too self-centred and bright ever to challenge authority on poor ground and she pretended to be sick in order to escape the tension of the day .
3 ‘ You did not speak about the Royal Academy if you pretended to be interested in modern art , ’ said one young critic .
4 Mr Stewart said one of the more ‘ involved and audacious ’ thefts took place when Gamble pretended to be interested in buying a Ford Escort XR3 from a Billingham garage .
5 The homology between the PPT element and the previously proposed sequence found in the type II sodium channel gene and proposed to be present in several neuronal genes .
6 More recently , biofeedback treatment has been suggested and reported to be effective in about two thirds of patients .
7 In one study , patient anxiety was measured and found to be highest in the first 24 hours of a hospital stay ( Wilson-Barnett , 1978 ) .
8 THE Government was accused yesterday of concocting a fudged list to gloss over the real dangers of microwave ovens found to be faulty in its own tests .
9 The outcome was variations between states in the relative importance of the class cleavage , which commentators found to be dominant in Great Britain ( e.g. Alford , 1963 ) but much weaker elsewhere ( Rose , 1974 ; Rose and Urwin , 1975 ; McAllister and Rose , 1984 ) .
10 I tried to be sick in the toilet , but even that I failed to do .
11 The three domain-1 oligosaccharides lie on the perimeter of the β- sheet believed to be involved in the adhesive interaction , leaving the face of the sheet relatively free for protein-protein interactions .
12 The pair you may recall , kidnapped and threatened a youth whom they believed to be involved in a series of thefts .
13 The pair you may recall , kidnapped and threatened a youth whom they believed to be involved in a series of thefts .
14 That this was an ill-advised step is very clear to us , but Eadmer was only pressing a claim which he believed to be inherent in the original jurisdiction of Canterbury .
15 The deal , believed to be unique in Britain , will give 24year-old Chris , pictured , the chance of staying as an amateur until the next Olympics , or until professional cyclists are allowed to compete in the games .
16 The dissident group , believed to be 40 in number , which held its first formal meeting on May 26 , was denounced by Army C.-in -C .
17 Nonetheless , it seems to me that the rule requires the justices to record and to announce the facts which they judged to be significant in the making of their decision and also the salient considerations which have led them to their conclusion .
18 In between times , a whole psychological scenario is elaborated , in which we piece together the flavour of his anxiety about the pay , his disappointment at not getting the information out of the lady , his interpretation of what she is like ( inferred from her appearance , actions , and conversation ) , his assessment of her son , his misunderstanding of the son 's errand , and his recollection of how he came to be involved in the interview .
19 Perhaps the best course was simply to come clean — to explain how she came to be involved in the case , and enlist Veronica 's help ?
20 Others extended the land all the way across the Atlantic to explain how some species came to be resident in both North America and Europe , openly appealing to the legend of Atlantis to support this hypothesis , despite the fact that the land-bridge would have been submerged long before the human race appeared .
21 The only common characteristic of all the schools visited was the willingness of the people interviewed to be involved in the research .
22 It was amazing how his underwear and the case seemed to be involved in a kind of dance , in which the arrival home of his shirts might depend on who was found guilty of what .
23 Finding it impossible to break into movies after the production slump of the 1940s , before television offered an alternative route to aspiring filmmakers , people like Anderson , Tony Richardson and Karel Reisz worked instead within sponsored documentaries , while writing about the sort of passionate , personal filmmaking that seemed to be possible in France , Italy , even India , but not in Britain .
24 In the early Middle Ages , every royal family , as generation succeeded generation , seemed to be unhappy in its own way .
25 It seemed to be implicit in the speech by the Leader of the Opposition yesterday that the federal vocation is no obstacle to him .
26 But no such relationship was necessarily apparent in 1945 , with The Economist in London indignantly protesting on 8 December 1945 that the communists seemed to be correct in their claim that the American object was to ruin Britain .
27 Fleischmann and Pons believed that they had produced fusion in their test-tube because when they passed electrical current through it , more heat was produced than they could account for , and in amounts extending over hundreds of hours that seemed to be far in excess of what is possible in a normal chemical reaction .
28 They seemed to be selective in the evidence that they quoted .
29 She said : ‘ Ruby seemed to be deep in a trance when Sniffy rang me .
30 They seemed to be deep in conversation .
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