Example sentences of "[vb past] to the end [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He opened his eyes , got up and moved to the end of Patrick 's bed .
2 When Benny moved to the end of the vestibule — striding boldly as if she belonged , hoping to attract less attention than a furtive visitor would — she was momentarily stunned at the sheer scale of what lay before her .
3 The carpets were deep and expensive , and they made no sound as they moved to the end of the hall .
4 He was delighted by the somewhat undeserved honour of the Chancellorship of the University , which was bestowed upon him in 1930 , and which he retained to the end of his life .
5 How did you feel as you came to the end of your working week yesterday afternoon ?
6 Came to the end of it , felt the mud below .
7 Fortunately the machine came to the end of its cycle at this point and she was able to continue in a more normal tone of voice .
8 But when she came to the end of them , and stood there trembling , she realised that if he remembered her he would certainly report her to Mr Carson .
9 Alice saw the musicians as she came to the end of the passage .
10 " And if you 'll undertake her education in addition , " said Andrew as he came to the end of his story , " I would be much obliged .
11 The party boat came to the end of its song , and the party people gave themselves a round of applause .
12 Soon as it came to the end of the quarter
13 Mm and what would happen if it came to the end of the quarter and you had so much money accumulated to pay on your Co book , for stuff that you 'd got over the quarter , and you just could n't pay it ?
14 So to get this You had to pay this , because when it came to the end of the quarter , you had to get your shopping out of that Cooperative , so that had to be paid .
15 But er they would maybe lay it by for two or three weeks and then forget for two or three weeks , and then when it came to the end of the quarter they were a whole lot of weeks behind , you know , they could n't pay it then .
16 She could n't recall stirring but when she came to the end of the journal and looked up , bemused and far away , not recognizing her surroundings for a while , the room was faintly glowing with fire and candlelight and the sky beyond the windows was inky blue .
17 It was as she came to the end of her enthusiastic little speech that she realised she was leaning halfway across his desk , so close that she could almost have counted his lashes and the tiny fine lines around the corners of his mouth .
18 As the two women were saying their goodbyes he came to the end of his task , switched off the motor-mower and headed with it towards the narrow gate at the side of the house .
19 ‘ Do I understand , ’ said Clarke when she came to the end of her story , ‘ that you had reason to believe your friend might have been the victim of a violent attack ? ’
20 They came to the end of one set .
21 I came to the end of the bridge , where technically my territory stops , and stood still for a while , thinking , feeling , listening and looking and smelling .
22 This was the most precious moment , as he came to the end of his thrilling song , and his gentle but vibrant voice faded away on a note of infinitely passionate promise …
23 Ven enquired as they came to the end of the meal .
24 Yes you 're quite right there because part of the street , the pavement and hard standing in the gardens for the cars which was a very good idea , now there 's the city have done two thirds of that and then when they came to the end of the er cul-de- sac ,
25 Then he strolled to the end of the byre and returned with a forkful of hay which he tossed expertly into the rack .
26 Moving slowly , with apparent idleness , she strolled to the end of the terrace , and into the shadows .
27 from it we cycled to the end of the road , a village called Å ; yes , just the one letter .
28 The man rattled off some instructions to Franco who retreated to the end of the bar and started hunting through the bottles on a particularly high shelf .
29 ‘ He was having a bath , and climbed to the end of the tub and fell through the window .
30 She turned to the end of the document and saw a signature S. KETTERING over the address of the villa , LA FELICITÀ , MONDANO-IN-CHIANTI , SIENA , ITALY .
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