Example sentences of "[vb past] to [be] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It promised to be another brilliant day .
2 All in all , it promised to be another heavenly day , she thought , feeling her spirits rise almost perceptibly .
3 The immediate object was to get to the lode ( Fleming 's Vein it came to be called ) , estimated to be some 25 fathoms ahead .
4 For other people at work they seemed to be such joyous occasions .
5 On everything , house , garden , terrace , green slopes , water , old oaks , fern , moss , woods again , and far away across the openings in the prospect , to the distance lying wide before us with a purple bloom upon it , there seemed to be such undisturbed repose .
6 The important thing , though , was that they paid their admission fee before they became totally paralytic and abusive ; that seemed to be all that really mattered .
7 Judged in terms of former occupations , there seemed to be much more variety within than between classes .
8 Well yes and no , erm , every body that seemed to get involved there seemed to be some strange thing missing
9 There seemed to be some other words at the bottom of the landscape , but O could not make these out .
10 Whether it was the distance , whether the record , because it must have been a record , had been deliberately slowed — there seemed to be some tonal distortion as well — I could n't tell , but the song came with a dreamlike slowness and dimness , almost as if it was being sung out of the stars and had had to cross all that night and space to reach me .
11 There seemed to be few ethnic minority children , one in each class perhaps , certainly none in the youngest group .
12 This season threatened to be another one of disruptive distractions .
13 It is gross waste that a man with such qualities should be turned into a traitor , when I think he never willed to be any such monster , but wanted only his native right .
14 For rectification to be applicable , there needed to be some prior agreement between the parties , the agreement still needed to be effective when the instrument ( ie the s 54 agreement ) was effected , and the instrument should have failed because of a mistake .
15 I never expected to be much more than a character actor .
16 A large amount of the proceeds , ‘ expected to be several thousands of pounds ’ , is to go to the Leonora Children 's Cancer Fund .
17 They looked to be all one way traffic as Abingdon 's mid-field dominated the game , setting up chances for the front runners , but the final touch was always missing .
18 Though now , as Liz recited names of guests , she saw Charles drift away into what she took to be some private realm of financial speculation and morose managerial debate : he started to bite the inside of his lip , as he did when preoccupied , and to drum his fingers on the silvery-yellow brocade of the settee .
19 But the chapter , entitled ‘ A computer model of music recognition ’ — whose title whetted my appetite considerably — proved to be little more than a pious hope that studying the way a computer can be programmed to recognise music might help to understand the way the human brain does it .
20 The Cripps-Day mourning hood , the only surviving ‘ late sixteenth-century ’ item of its kind , has in recent years proved to be little more than a nineteenth-century pastiche .
21 In practice , few of the conceptual embellishments of the idea of the ‘ freedom of the press ’ proved to be any more than occasional glimpses of what an ideal press ought to be like .
22 The mining industry proved to be another technology-intensive industry of the type favoured by the IDA .
23 This proved to be another successful steam operation by Network SouthEast in conjunction with Flying Scotsman Services .
24 It was clear from a very early stage of our Belfast work that to describe the inner-city phonology was a more complicated task than to describe ‘ middle-class ’ phonology , because there appeared to be much more variability within inner-city language than in higher status language .
25 Adeane 's function as private secretary appeared to be little more than the job of arranging the Prince 's schedule around polo and the children 's bath times .
26 In her winter coat she appeared to be little more than a central pole with a tent draped from her shoulders .
27 Since by the end of the period there appeared to be few unworked fields left within the discipline , its overall stability seemed endangered by excessively specialized work .
28 Looking ahead , Mr Hely Hutchinson said that company plans continued to make cautious assumptions about the general economic outlook , but that there appeared to be some positive indications .
29 The Hon. Peter Horbury appeared to be some ten or twelve years younger than the earl .
30 There had to be some political acceptance both inside the country and , more importantly , outside , because since the end of the Cold War military take-overs were met increasingly by an immediate freeze of foreign aid .
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