Example sentences of "[vb past] in [art] [noun] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike any organisms seen before , they moved in a direction determined by the Earth 's magnetic field .
2 The immigration issue left a long legacy of US Japanese hostility which surfaced in the injustices suffered by many US citizens of Japanese descent during the war with Japan , 1941–5 .
3 Pie day had dawned bright and clear but tons of straw and cinders had to be hastily brought in as vehicles and people sank in the mud caused by the torrential rain of the past few days .
4 something smothered in a sauce made of butter , cream and booze
5 Joseph peered in the directions indicated by the mandarin but saw only the scented shrubs and trees of the formal gardens .
6 They stopped in a village strung out in ribbon development along the flat straight road from Assisi to Perugia .
7 Preston 's fame rests on his discovery of the Anomalous Zeeman Effect , which he first reported in a paper presented to the Royal Dublin Society in December 1897 .
8 Hun Sen proposed in a speech delivered on Oct. 17 that the party support Sihanouk 's candidacy for the presidency of Cambodia in the future elections .
9 Einstein 's original theory of relativity , which he proposed in the paper written in 1905 , is what we now call the special theory of relativity .
10 He believed in the legacy left from the industrial North and still felt the pain from an era when entire generations existed purely around the workings of the local mill , an age typified by Wakes week , where entire towns would holiday together in Blackpool .
11 It was impossible to know what was going on in her mind , but he was thankful that she seemed in no way agitated .
12 This procedure , which is that adopted in the model described above , is quite legitimate ; it does however underline the limitations of confining attention to equilibrium paths .
13 The court 's decision came in a case brought by two utilities , that provide power in California .
14 The response from the State Department came in a message dated the following day , 15 May [ KP 125 ] : " We believe that no distinction should be made between Chetniks and other dissident Yugoslav troops and that our position with respect to anti-partisan or dissident Yugoslav troops in general , in agreement with that of the British Foreign Office and in accordance with Macmillan 's recommendation , is clearly set forth in PEP TEL 424 , May 2 .
15 The awards came in a survey conducted among readers of TV Quick and TV Weekly .
16 Although this effect had been shown previously with more traditional maze-learning tasks , the best demonstration came in a test devised by Richard Morris , then of St Andrews , now at Edinburgh .
17 First reports of the split came in a statement published in Nairobi on Aug. 28 by three of the 13 SPLA field commanders — Riek Mashar Teny-Dhurgon , Lam Akol and Gordon Koang Chol .
18 The bar closed during dinner but a delightful custom prevailed which consisted of arranging all the bottles on a table in the hall below a notice inviting guests to help themselves and enter libations imbibed in the book provided .
19 He remained in detention during the rebellion but stated in a letter published in the press that he had been responsible for it , a claim which was interpreted more as a dramatic personal gesture than a statement of fact ; earlier reports stated that the rebellion had been such a surprise to him that he had requested a pistol in order to shoot himself .
20 But there were many who were jealous of the new town 's phenomenal rise and who looked upon it as a sink of iniquity where the nouveaux riches wallowed in the luxury obtained from trade .
21 The doctrine of operationalism took a particularly extreme view on this issue by stipulating that the meaning of a concept consisted in the operations required to measure it .
22 Our society is much less violent than that of north America or of the Commonwealth of Australia , as the 1989 international crime survey showed in the report published in March 1990 .
23 On the morning of the delivery he hid in an alley armed with a baseball bat concealed under his raincoat .
24 However , when they arrived in a town called Morganza , Louisiana , looking for locations , they came across a little café with a sign outside which read ‘ Homemade pies and Coca-Cola ’ , Dennis spotted the place and fell in love with it .
25 But giving up performing also helped them develop personally in other directions : John Lennon acted in a film called How I Won The War ( of best-forgotten quality ) ; George Harrison travelled to India to study the sitar and encounter Eastern religion ; Ringo Starr concentrated on his expanding home and family ; and Paul McCartney wrote some film music and travelled in Africa , though he also felt rather lost ( he tried to think about God , he said , but nothing came ) .
26 Within two minutes Mike Hall put Peter Dods in for the Barbarians ' third try , and another four followed in a procession interrupted by one for Newport by John Thomas .
27 July 3 : Cannabis resin with a street value of £2,000 discovered in a car stopped in Bessbrook .
28 Not many miles away , two estates meet , between Wootton and Steeple Barton , precisely where they met in a charter dated 958 , and possibly for some considerable time before that .
29 As a further disincentive footpaths may suddenly disappear under the plough or new fences are erected across them , signposts mysteriously vanish and perhaps an unsociable bull is ( illegally ) posted in a field transversed by a path .
30 The baths stood a hundred yards down the rue Foch , past the Mairie , the printing works and la maison du sauvage , where a hermit lived in a courtyard barricaded with oil drums and fastened with chains and umpteen locks .
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