Example sentences of "[vb past] a [noun sg] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The 45 articles of the accord provided a framework for dealing with questions of product standardization , and other matters relating to customs regulations .
2 Balcon 's desire to avoid ‘ socially objectionable ’ subjects and ‘ to make pictures worthy of that name ’ ( whatever that was supposed to mean ) provided a cover for turning the studio 's face away from the world .
3 In the decade up to 1982 employment in firms with over 1000 workers fell by over a quarter and the establishment of affiliated companies provided a vehicle for shedding labour .
4 The objectives in Parts 1 and 2 provided a way of thinking about behavioural problems and a set of general methods for dealing with these problems .
5 It also indicated the slave trade as a peculiarly appropriate object upon which many evangelicals could exercise their benevolence since it constituted a burden of individual and national guilt and in its international character provided a way of extending and giving reality to the notion of mankind as a family .
6 This model provided a way of visualizing the pattern of morphogenetic systems over the earth 's surface during the Cainozoic and so lent itself to a clear way of integrating contemporary world zones with those of the past when ice sheets were non-existent or much less extensive .
7 In each of these contexts — HMI reports , APU exercises or national reading surveys — to move from national assessment to a local authority assessment and then to a school 's performance ( summed up in the achievement of its individual pupils ) provided a method of finding out whether , in some of the measurable parts of schools ' work , matters were standing still or edging forward .
8 For example , a study of the debasement trends of sixth-to seventh-century AD European gold coinage provided a basis for dating the Sutton Hoo ship burial .
9 The six-monthly reviews of respite care at the residential home provided a focus for monitoring the level and type of support needed at any stage .
10 The Museum d'Histoire Naturelle in Paris provided a model for teaching and research that was the envy of the civilized world .
11 The gap was re-opened with a vengeance by events after 1978 , when ‘ the North-South divide ’ entered a period of widening on most economic and political measures .
12 A TEENAGE newspaper boy who entered a house after hearing a baby crying found the toddler 's young mum lying dead on the living room floor .
13 For some Protestant thinkers , experimental science promised a way of reversing the effects of the original curse , a way of making a better world that might in some small way mirror the perfection of God 's heavenly kingdom , a way of restoring the world to a condition fit for Christ 's earthly rule .
14 As already noted , the attraction of monetarism for the new Conservative leadership by 1979 was that it promised a method of controlling inflation by means , as it were , of an automatic pilot ; there would be no need for government to compromise its authority with producer groups .
15 Wolff originally described a way of learning CFGs .
16 The DBTG specification proposed a language for manipulating the files .
17 He proposed a method for combining sulphurous acid gas ( sulphur dioxide ) directly with oxygen , using finely divided platinum , and absorbing the resultant sulphur trioxide on moistened pebbles .
18 Bradley Martin devoted a page to extolling the virtues of cannabis and the need to fight back against legal restrictions and police interventions .
19 Not surprisingly , the Department of Transport , and in consequence the British Railways Board , maintained a policy of aiming to reduce the PSO so as to reduce the demands on the taxpayer .
20 When Timothy Amsterdam returned from Europe he soon found a way of meeting Topaz on the Moor .
21 ‘ I think my subconscious found a way of telling me a bit of what happened , Dr Vaughan . ’
22 In that year the German chemist Friedrich Wohler ( 1800–92 ) found a way of producing from inorganic materials the chemical urea ; always beforehand this had been assumed to be a substance that could be produced only by bodily ( biochemical ) reactions .
23 Let herself go a bit — ye get that with women whose men are giving them a hard time , and who hav'na found a way of getting their retaliation in first . ’
24 Actually Jacobi 's work went rather further than that , for he also found a way of calculating the number of expressions as sums of at most six or eight squares .
25 A lot of these were books written by moralistic females ; books which erm reflected various kinds of Victorian ideas , and much later on when I did some research in Oxford on Victorian literature I found a way of putting these two sorts of things together .
26 So she schemed until she found a way of having the second thing without losing the first .
27 One branch of the molluscs , very early in the group 's history , found a way of becoming highly mobile and yet retaining the protection of a large and heavy shell — they developed gas-filled flotation tanks .
28 On their third night she ordered him quite roughly to bring his legs closer together and found a way of rubbing herself against his knee while sucking at his neck that made him shudder .
29 For instance , after extensive consultation with the community , health workers found a way of overcoming people 's reluctance to use rehydration salts .
30 Frances Hodgson Burnett found a way by describing how a father handed on his code of honour to his son .
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