Example sentences of "[vb past] the [num ord] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 His head bent slowly down to her , his eyes burned deeper and , held immovable , she endured the first kiss she had ever received .
2 As a director of Routledge , he took an interest in what I was writing , and in 1946 he commissioned the first book I was to produce on philosophy , The Approach to Metaphysics .
3 He asked the first policeman he saw the way to London University and was pointed in the direction of the Strand .
4 I walked in through the door and , feeling a bit lost , I asked the first person I saw if he knew whether the Social Secretary was around .
5 At length , she located the literature department and , entering , asked the first student she came upon where she might find Dr McKitrick .
6 The interviewer hesitated , and when he asked the next question he sounded faintly embarrassed .
7 ‘ I got the first ferry I could after I heard …
8 Algy used up his measure of luck , I was then given a super navigator with only the sharpest of pencils and the instinct of a homing pigeon who took me through my tour ; he perished the first time he New without me after I was hijacked to Bennett 's staff .
9 Erm we approached the first project we were looking at the information we had available er , looking at the strength of the work a lot of information As you can see the er and , and looking at the er a definite lack of
10 Flaherty said to be sure this was true , although he misremembered the last time they 'd been called on to supply them , it being all of two years since the Wolfkings had been driven out by the Gruagach .
11 When Charlie woke the next morning he jumped out of bed immediately and was washed and dressed before anyone else had stirred .
12 She went back to bed but when she woke the next morning she was in terrible pain and called a nurse for help .
13 His finest moment came the first time he opened the hall door to a visitor and , standing a little aside , intoned , " Follow me , sir , " before proceeding with due dignity to announce the guest at the door of the morning room .
14 He recalled the first time he had seen the impressive building as a schoolboy on a day 's outing to see the sights of London .
15 Even now she vividly recalled the first time she saw Nader at the exclusive Royal Club , a dining , gambling and sports centre .
16 ‘ Oh , for goodness ’ sake ! ’ he squeaked the third time it happened .
17 We learnt the next day he had had to hand in his uniform and get off the job as fast as he could .
18 There was a hush of expectancy as he walked to the wicket … but this is what happened the first ball he faced …
19 She says : ‘ It happened the first evening I arrived there .
20 To his surprise a smile began to tug at her cheeks and when she finished the second reading she laughed aloud as though in relief .
21 The varnish held tiny , solid pieces of silver metal which stayed on the pieces of tissue Philippa was using and scratched the next nail she treated .
22 I figured the last interview I 'd given them , right after the bombing of Flight 103 , had probably been the root cause of why my life had been turned inside out , and I was n't looking for any more trouble .
23 And when he heard the first crash he determined to intervene , in some way that would not dispute the authority of the headmaster 's wife .
24 When I first heard the first noise I thought what the bloody hell 's that and I turned the sound down .
25 But the way he landed the third time I knew he would n't get up again .
26 So I decided the first thing we had to do was define the difference between lead gear and bass gear , so we had to completely change the look .
27 Almost wrenching off the fragile beaded jacket , and unfastening the strapless dress so that it plummeted to the floor , she grabbed the first garments she found — light pink cotton trousers and a grey and white striped cotton blouse — then forced her feet into flat leather sandals without stopping to undo and refasten the thin buckled straps .
28 His pockets bulged with the prizes he had won at the plastic ducks : a packet of fruit gums , a monkey on a stick that broke the first time he made it jump and three engagement rings with glass stones in them .
29 A customer returns a skirt because the zip broke the first time she wore it .
30 The names of Eaux-Bonnes 's hotels still have the old pompous ring to them , the Hôtel d'Orient et d'Espagne , the Hôtel Richelieu , the Hôtel tea Princes ( the ‘ dearest ’ in a ‘ very wealthy little modern town ’ in Hilaire Belloc 's day , but up for sale and miserably vandalized the last time I saw it , in the mid-1980s ) , but their clients are not what they once were .
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