Example sentences of "[vb past] rather [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Old age becomes something to be dreaded and endured rather than enjoyed by the individual .
2 The Maccabees fought rather than acquiesce in the placing of a statue of Zeus in the Temple .
3 Eager to keep together , they tended to widen any track they used rather than tramp along it in single file .
4 But I just fled rather than talk to her .
5 But he 'd stood up well to that first interview , hindered rather than helped by the presence of his solicitor , who had never seen his client before and had made it painfully apparent that he would prefer never to see him again .
6 There was a time , let it ever be remembered , only about 400 years ago , when our fathers were ruled over and tyrannised and when men like Calvin , Knox , Cranmer , Ridley and Latimer broke rather than bend for the Gospel and liberty .
7 We had learned this at the very first lesson of the term — something most of the boys should have remembered from the previous year — when Mr Gillis had belted fourteen of us for setting off towards the door when the bell rang rather than waiting for his instruction .
8 I 'm sure many of you would prefer to get your weekly social started rather than listen to me .
9 As a result , he ‘ gained rather than lost by his willingness to exchange the style and title of a god for that of God 's vice-gerent ’ .
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