Example sentences of "[vb past] never [been] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He 'd never been to the barn .
2 He 'd never been in the garden again , though Mr Field said he could .
3 I 'd never been in the cab of a moving train before , and I felt I could have stayed there all day .
4 " I 'd never been near the Chief Rabbit before .
5 The issue of retirement had never been on the agenda previously , quite simply because people died much younger in earlier generations .
6 It had never been on the agenda .
7 I had never been on the Upper West Side before , but it still reminded me of something .
8 Sylvia , the elder married one , was well-built and healthy , but that was the best that could be said for her ; Mrs Wexford had a magnificent figure and a fine profile although she had never been of the stuff that wins beauty contests .
9 Maggie had never been to the St Andrew 's Halls , and was looking forward to it .
10 I had never been to the Broads .
11 He had never been to the Far East — in fact he had not fought in the War at all .
12 In addition , he had never been to the big house and had no idea where to go , or whom to see .
13 Jane had never been to the aerodrome before — not actually past the guardroom and through the gates — and she had n't known what to expect that night .
14 She had never been to the house on the bay at that end of the afternoon , and found Therese abstracted and busy .
15 Maggie had never been to the big barn before , the one that had looked so imposing from the air .
16 ‘ There was a transitional moment of delicious uneasiness and then — instantaneously — the long inhibition was over , the dry desert lay behind , I was off once more into the land of longing , my heart at once broken and exalted as it had never been since the old days at Bookham . ’
17 I bought him in the summer as a very green five-year-old , who had never been off the farm where he was bred .
18 Until she was thirteen she had never been outside the Grange garden alone .
19 She was twenty-five and she had never been in the tube .
20 And she had never been in the London Underground .
21 Living amongst the Indonesians , where the pursuit of wisdom virtually amounts to a national pastime , the elements of Earth , Air , Fire , Water and Ether became real for me in a way they had never been in the writings of the Gnostics or the Pythagoreans .
22 She meant his earnings , not the yield of the toy-shop business , but she had never been in the habit of referring to them so distinctly , let alone to the fact that they were thin on the ground at the moment .
23 Dr Laternser immediately rose to protest that the witness had never been in the German army and therefore could not properly be asked or answer any such questions .
24 He knew that Coy was an administrator , that he had never been in the field either as a soldier or as an agent .
25 Right now , in the familiar clutter of my office , I had this feeling in my water that I had never been in the room before .
26 I had never been in the lift since moving — either it was out of order or I could smell the putrid stench seeping out into the lobby and avoided it .
27 He had never been inside the box , nor had he seen the Decontamination Centre that was alongside , nor the Liquid Waste plant .
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