Example sentences of "[vb past] one [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With a pinch of ingenuity , he built one from Thermolite blocks rendered with cement and sand .
2 Robert Kirk described one in Secret Commonwealth of Elves , Fauns and Fairies ( 1691 ) as follows :
3 When he came across the bodies in the middle of Gayton village , he found one with broken legs , but still alive .
4 The males started fighting , so I moved one to another tank , leaving two females with one male .
5 I never caught one in those days of the sixties and seventies myself , though pound to nearly a pound and a half fish graced my net often enough .
6 She quickly dropped one into each saucer before standing back and looking at Beth with a forlorn expression .
7 A confidential study designed to assess the extent of professional abuse , follows investigations in America that showed one in 10 counsellors developed sexual relationships with those they should have been helping .
8 A recent survey showed one in five parents were promoted once their children were given after-school care .
9 Young doctors were usually only too willing to take advice , but every now and again you got one like this lad , who clearly was all at sea and did n't know how to light the flares !
10 A human if it met one in this spot ,
11 The two Longner men who rode one on either side their borrowed minstrel brought him as far as the gatehouse , waiting in silence as he dismounted .
12 Guess what , they made one for Super Nintendo .
13 During a mad session I finally made one after two weeks of trying and came down and a guy called Matt said ‘ Yeah you did it at last ’ .
14 The only severe check came in 1625 when plague killed one in twelve people and raised the death rate to three times the annual norm ; after that the population remained stable for almost 150 years .
15 Well you said you wo ordered one for another place .
16 For the more down to earth woodworker it is interesting that often the cordless drill is picked up in preference to the mains powered one for many tasks .
17 In addition international collaboration was encouraged by the International Geographical Union by establishing commissions that included one on present day processes , and a later one on field experiments in geomorphology ( Slaymaker , Dunne and Rapp , 1980 ) .
18 Protest demonstrations included one by 100,000 people in Rome on Jan. 12 and one by 25,000 people in Milan on Jan. 15 .
19 Public and private sector schemes together covered one in eight workers in 1936 , and one in three by 1956 .
20 Finally , still shaking , she cut the photos apart and clipped one to each letter .
21 ‘ I said pregnancies , because I lost one at four months and another at six months .
22 ‘ Estella waved a blue one , and I had a red one , and Miss Havisham waved one with little gold stars on , out of the carriage window . ’
23 Whether the coffin-maker produced a bespoke outer case or took one from existing stock is not known , though logic argues in favour of the latter .
24 She lifted a large saucepan of eggs from on top of the hot range and gave one to each person .
25 He put one in one room and one in the other .
26 Did one in such circumstances ?
27 The Consumers ' Association said one in 10 people was unhappy with the running of current accounts , the same figure as a year ago when the association condemned high street banks for ‘ breathtaking arrogance ’ .
28 The Consumers ' Association said one in 10 people was unhappy with the running of current accounts , the same figure as a year ago when the association condemned high street banks for ‘ breathtaking arrogance ’ .
29 County councillor Tony Murphy ( Lab ) said one in five pharmacies in Cheshire could face closure under the new ruling .
30 and had one on New Year 's Eve or Christmas Eve or something , they came in , a couple were passing , well they were only on holidays and they were looking , well our house is different I mean
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