Example sentences of "[vb past] up [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 The knights were greatly offended at this foul sight , insomuch that they rose up and left the chamber .
2 The wheel dates from the 1955 Campaign for the Congress of the People which drew up and adopted the Freedom Charter .
3 The grey sidled up and took the proffered titbit and then suddenly bucked and danced away .
4 I was the beetle who woke up and saw the possibility of being a man .
5 He was not impressed : " Oh , I dare say she woke up and saw the fire through her bedroom window .
6 He indecently assaulted her , she woke up and raised the alarm and he made off .
7 Dann woke up and handed the gun back .
8 The thought of it scared them so much they turned all the lights out and went straight upstairs without even taking a candle in case he came up and saw the light under their door .
9 ‘ Dame Elizabeth came up and found the door unlocked .
10 Three days later a wind came up and revived the fire which spread to and damaged the plaintiff 's land .
11 Her finger came up and stopped the flow of his words .
12 Amarabout , a Zaidani , turned up and toured the streets in his Mercedes ; Sulaiman Musbah and his brother and some other Zuwaya went to Benghazi to protest about the irresponsible withdrawal of the police .
13 ‘ You 're unwilling to tell me who 's at the back of all this , so I thought I 'd keep a watch in case anyone turned up and solve the mystery myself . ’
14 ‘ It is time they showed up and faced the music , ’ he said .
15 She went to the edge of the roof and shouted across the village at the unnamed thief that for this he 'd be struck with paralysis ; that he 'd be smitten with cholera and die : that unless he owned up and returned the cockerel , the gods would punish his family with poverty and starvation for ever .
16 If you think it was hard for me , think what it was like for Gary , the sound technician , who had to sit out front in a box , wired up and WATCH the whole thing seven times a week and twice on Saturdays .
17 The man , said to be of scruffy appearance and aged between 25 and 30 , crept up and grabbed the girl near her friend 's house in Boosbeck .
18 He got up and put the light on , shivering .
19 Sikes got up and locked the door .
20 Billy looked gloomy and his friend got up and collected the empty mugs .
21 Rachaela got up and fed the baby .
22 Pascoe got up and checked the lock on the door .
23 She got up and checked the wardrobes , and her bemusement became sheer bewilderment .
24 We lay there silently , then he got up and left the room , leaving me lying there in an agony of frustration and guilt , furious with myself for having given way , yet curiously glad I had finally done so .
25 In these scenes an unknown actress , impersonating Harlow 's voice , speaks the lines with her back to the camera or with her face hidden by a wide-brimmed hat ; at the sight of this , Boy simply got up and left the living room , left the end of the film unwatched and just sat in the kitchen with a pot of tea .
26 Nonetheless , he and the broth ate their pudding and then , pushing their chairs back , got up and left the two youngest to do the dishes .
27 Edward appeared to think hard for a few moments and then got up and left the room abruptly .
28 ‘ I 'm going outside for a fag , ’ said the purple girl , She got up and left the hall .
29 Then , gulping down the remains of his cup of tea , he got up and left the table .
30 Without prolonging the agony for them both any longer she got up and left the room .
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