Example sentences of "[vb past] get up and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you have , you will know how weak your muscles were when first you tried to get up and walk again .
2 When he 'd got up and gone out , Dr Frome said to his wife :
3 The alarm may go off at the wrong times and this can be very irritating but the fault can be capitalized on and the child encouraged to get up and go to the lavatory anyway .
4 ‘ Nearly over , ’ she kept whispering to herself , and when everyone was back inside , the music slower , the drink flowing freely , and people began to get up and sing , she slipped out through the french doors .
5 Once seated in Huy 's living room , Merymose relaxed , but only a little , and he could not remain in his chair long , but kept getting up and pacing the narrow space between the front door and the rear wall .
6 But when Fei Yen made to get up and pour for him , Tsu Ma took the jug and went round himself , filling their cups .
7 Well I , I got to get up and walk over and find it .
8 Then he heard Boy say ‘ Yes , ’ and then he heard the TV change ; Boy had got up and turned it over to a boxing match , which was something Boy never usually watched .
9 Eochaid had got up and left , and he , Tuathal , had asked only one or two questions more .
10 He had got up and faced them both .
11 At five o'clock , with daylight creeping round the curtains , she had got up and dressed .
12 And without one word , even of acknowledgement , I had got up and gone downstairs and telephoned .
13 But when the dentist had announced that it was urgently necessary to extract two teeth Mills had got up and walked away , glad that he had n't taken off his coat and so would not have to enter into any further discussion while he recovered it from the waiting-room .
14 There is so much energy and life in this recording , so much infectious enthusiasm , that I had to get up and do something .
15 After a few minutes , he had had enough of this — and we had to get up and leave . ’
16 She had to get up and wash her hair and urgh !
17 Inside , he ‘ used to make all the mince pies for Christmas ’ , peel the potatoes for Sunday lunch , and every morning make breakfast : ‘ you never had to get up and make a cup of tea of a morning , he 'd get up .
18 P. A. I got called as a witness in a motoring case , and it came up when I was on nights and I had to get up and call in the solicitor .
19 So I went to bed and I had to get up and get dressed and go and pick him up
20 He desperately wanted to get up and speak to her .
21 She wanted to get up and walk away , out of the French doors and over the lawn and behind the hedge , away where she could not be seen .
22 She wanted to get up and run ; run as fast and as far as she could away from this man who seemed to be intent on humiliating her .
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