Example sentences of "[vb past] so [that] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Then I got so that I could not be bothered .
2 Then her mother would graciously conduct half an hour of polite conversation with all these people , who Jo knew were otherwise pretty cool and mostly also pretty sane , and they would all pretend to be interested in whatever dumb thing she said , and laugh if she made any of her awful little jokes and store away any personal information she disclosed so that they could tell it to their friends the next day and make it absolutely clear that they were on intimate terms with a really big star .
3 She does n't cry in front of Robert any more , she still tells him lies about what things cost so that she can save some money and make sure she 'll never be dependent on him again .
4 She heard him but kept her back turned so that she would have his arms around her and then she could wriggle inside them to face him .
5 Automatically she turned so that she could see him , and knew immediately it was a fatal error .
6 But in a terrible state and his hands shook so that he could not work the door-bolt .
7 contains an administrative block of data known as a ‘ module header ’ , formatted so that it can be read and analysed by LIFESPAN .
8 Contains an administrative block of data known as a ‘ module header ’ , formatted so that it can be read and analysed by LIFESPAN .
9 He changed his position as we walked so that he could be closer to me .
10 The 1938 Act was repealed and replaced by the Inheritance ( provision for Family and Dependants ) Act 1975 , which increases the range of dependants who may apply for provision on death and gives the court wider powers than previously existed so that it can make whatever type of order may be most appropriate in the circumstances .
11 Through his agony on the cross , he cancelled the debt we owed so that we can live in free relationship again with God .
12 and the one who owned the car was itching to get Joe dumped so that he could turn around and make the slow , crawling drive across town to his home .
13 It means living with the perspective that we are in touch with the Lord Whose Son died so that we might enjoy the sort of life that He planned for us at the beginning of Genesis , and living with that perspective and privilege .
14 Again , this is no gloating sesh — without competition , NME would n't be this good — merely a roll-call of those that died so that we may live …
15 In other words , commands are not obeyed immediately but stored so that you can run the program , which is a list of commands , at a later date .
16 She tried to skim again , but her tears fell so that she could not do it .
17 I proposed that I teach one woman what I knew so that she could teach the others after we got more machines .
18 I had begun to shrink , become half human , to lose touch with my body and mentally cut off the bits that hurt so that they could n't be hurt any more .
19 Again Herr Nordern was going to speak , knowing as he did so that he would sound feeble , when again Bodo stepped in and said , in a distinctly non-feeble voice , which sounded like a cement-mixer , ‘ Of course he remembers .
20 He sighed , took out another ten pound note and slid the money across the counter , calculating as he did so that he could have eaten adequately and drunk excessively for a fortnight in Lindos for what a night at the Skein of Geese had cost him .
21 You know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins .
22 He spoke so that you could not avoid hearing his conversation .
23 Well we have got quite a lot of detail working package from within their own teams , and within the support staff , so you want that extended so that they can
24 Plugger promised to keep the pair for me until the day before I left so that they would have the shortest travelling time possible .
25 Maxim just wanted to know where the battle lines now stood so that they could make new plans .
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