Example sentences of "[vb past] as [conj] it [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 It was made more so by the billing he got as if it was the Second Coming or something and he was going to be a wonder player .
2 Yet this stranger had a different manner altogether from the old doctor who , when he had n't his hearing aid in place , shouted as if it were you who were deaf .
3 This experiment was quickly followed up by others using protein synthesis inhibitors , all essentially leading to the same conclusion — that if protein synthesis was prevented during the period over which an animal was trained , or for up to about an hour subsequently , then although the animal could learn the task , when tested on it some time later — say the next day — it behaved as if it were naïve .
4 The fatal , fateful thing was that for a century the device appeared to work : Canada felt and behaved as if it was still part of the empire .
5 There was no difference between a chick that was totally full of worms and could n't have handled any more worms , but still as it were , behaved as if it was on the point of starvation , and a chick that was really hungry , had in fact , observation shows that , what parents do when they come back with , with the food is , very often they , they probe the throats of the chicks with their beaks , to see which one 's got much most room before they actually put the food in .
6 She put her bag with the story on the passenger seat and drove as if it were a newborn baby .
7 It seemed as if it were coming from a long distance and he waited for a moment , and the moment went into a full minute , and then slowly he opened the door .
8 Day after day the German heavies pounded the corpses in this gully , until they were quartered , and re-quartered ; to one eye-witness it seemed as if it were filled with dismembered limbs that no one could or would bury .
9 It almost seemed as if it was moving further away with each stride .
10 For much of Act I , too , Jonathan Summers 's Posa seemed as if it was to be a rough-and-ready performance by this gifted baritone .
11 This college seemed as if it was going to be the best thing that happened to me .
12 More bombs fell , and more , until the air was full of a strange continuous roaring and the earth shook as if it were afraid .
13 The jewellery at wrist and neck shone as if it were still on display in the shop from which it came , and the odour from the man was simply — nothing .
14 Alexei nodded as if it was of no consequence .
15 With a total of thirty rooms , each arranged as if it was still in use , there is so much to see and enjoy .
16 Her collarbone felt as if it were about to burst through her skin but her head had cleared and she felt strong .
17 Her conscience said nothing , it felt as if it were holding its breath .
18 It felt as if it were going to burst .
19 Her body felt as if it were being wrapped in very , very tight bandages .
20 His body ached all over and the wounded arm felt as if it were dropping off .
21 Claudia , waking with a head that felt as if it were filled with lead , almost fell out of bed as her alarm rang .
22 How dare he look so composed , so unaffected by what had just happened between them , when her own stomach felt as if it were the epicentre of an earthquake ?
23 The rudder felt as if it were covered with barnacles , and the engine sounded old and tired , but there was no reason for grounding the plane .
24 The supple gold of her swimsuit felt as if it were melting under the heat generating between them .
25 She put the envelope down on the small table that served double duty as desk and dining surface , eased off her shoes , and stepped out of the cotton dress that felt as if it were struck to her damp skin .
26 Pulsatilla LM1 produced a response within 3 days when her mouth felt as if it was coated with glue and then she suddenly found she could smell again !
27 Fortuna was smiling on me and my haphazard trip felt as if it was taking some kind of shape , a dynamic and a logic of its own .
28 Despite the scenery , however , my shin felt as if it was in a red-hot clamp , with someone turning the screw .
29 Next , her long red hair was pulled so hard she felt as if it was going to come out by the roots .
30 His chest felt as if it was going to burst and he felt sick and dizzy as he settled down to a steady plod .
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