Example sentences of "[vb past] all [pron] could [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Contacting Gotha itself was a great problem … we did all we could to get the picture back to them … due to political circumstances we were unsuccessful ’ .
2 President Kaunda and Prime Minister Vorster , suddenly arriving there in person , did all they could to push Smith and the ANC together .
3 Such cosseting made passengers feel they were very special and the airlines did all they could to encourage distinguished people to fly with them Imperial Airways carried HM King Feisal from Baghdad to Gaza in 1927 and later took to publishing monthly lists of their important passengers .
4 They did all they could to encourage peasant resistance , to enlighten the masses and to expose the myth of the Tsar as a caring ‘ little father ’ .
5 Nevertheless they swallowed their wounded pride and did all they could to help if she asked for advice .
6 Accordingly , they did all they could to protect the nobility 's privileged position .
7 Instead of fostering the peasants ' bid for liberty , the commissars emasculated local peasants organizations and , by forcibly requisitioning grain , did all they could to subject the peasantry to the dictates of the State .
8 And although it accepted that on the whole the department did all it could to control him , on the day he assaulted a 70-year-old woman the court ruled that he had n't been properly supervised , and ordered the council to pay 700 pounds in compensation .
9 The Labour Party leadership did all it could to limit any appeal which the Left outside the Party might exercise over its members .
10 MI6 accepted his decision with ill-grace and throughout the rest of the war did all it could to hinder the work of SOE .
11 Once again , Ferrari did all it could to hamper his chances , to upset his equilibrium , to seek to guarantee their own success .
12 The Duke did all he could to track down the miscreants , using his great wealth to bribe informers .
13 He did all he could to stop this . ’
14 And he did all he could to make the food bad , except what he ate himself .
15 AYRTON SENNA did all he could to keep the championship open by yesterday winning the Spanish Grand Prix which , after a week of accusations and exclusions , was something of an anti-climax .
16 When the cheque was dishonoured the seller did all he could to trace the rogue and car and he informed the police .
17 Talbot plotted against Errington and did all he could to bring about the coadjutor 's eventual resignation .
18 In resisting Bruno 's vision , Kepler did all he could to protect the cosmic identity of his own solar system and ( in accordance with his religious beliefs ) of humanity 's special place within it .
19 " Great-grandfather , you must know already that I did all I could to stop Kim taking the gibbon , " he said , whispering aloud in the hope that his fervent words might be audible to his father and grandfather standing a few feet away .
20 I always held that view and did all I could to press for an election before Christmas in order that we might get a majority large enough to stand the racket . "
21 The two young girls , I predicted , would not find such changes so difficult to accommodate , but I did all I could to see that Mrs Clements suffered the least adjustments , to the extent that I undertook for myself a number of duties which you may consider most broad-minded of a butler to do .
22 I did all I could to encourage Bernstein to chat with John , who seemed even then to be developing into one of Canada 's most versatile and brilliant conductors .
23 My mother was always very jealous of the close relationship that my daughter and I had , and did all she could to come between us .
24 At one stage her mother had felt she would make a good doctor and did all she could to encourage her to take up medicine .
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