Example sentences of "[vb past] when [pers pn] [vb past] [art] " in BNC.

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1 During the next year I completed my book , and all our hearts rose when I received a request from Mr William Ross 's office to see the manuscript .
2 She slithered away on her stomach across the slatted floor , just like her father moved when he played the serpent in the Garden of Eden .
3 Although he broke his collar bone and fractured his skull , he was saved from fatal injuries because his body was limp and simply bounced when it hit the tarmac .
4 Water , the original substance which God created when he made the world , represents change , and immersing oneself in a natural body of water is the only way of changing one 's spiritual identity .
5 As I found when I took the time to listen to parents and hear what they said , the views advanced did not always fit the latest fashion or an approved passage in a book on sociology .
6 And as far as in the appraisals I mean I found when I did the three s part staff and , and I was , it was that pilot and , and I know
7 The use of the contract army , however , placed the king in the position of debtor to the military captains , most of whom were members of the titled nobility , and the sums owed by the crown to individual nobles might often be very substantial : in 1386 , for instance , the Earl of Northumberland reached agreement with the Exchequer whereby in return for £700 he discharged the king of all debts owing to the earl ‘ from any time past until the making of this indenture ’ , and the earl was discharged of the debts he incurred when he held the office of Admiral .
8 The first problem occurred when they left the road and moved off into the open desert .
9 The Imperial troops posted to defend the river gates from Kislev fled when they saw the green horde stretched out across the horizon and advancing at full speed towards them .
10 Bryce exclaimed when he found the box of batteries he 'd come in search of .
11 Roger exclaimed when he opened the door .
12 They would start to jeer at the company , but stopped when they saw the Hearthware sashes and the Myrcan staves and whispered amongst themselves .
13 They stopped when they reached the tramstop .
14 Mrs Joe was saying as she came out of the kitchen , ‘ The pie — has — gone ! ’ but stopped when she saw the soldiers .
15 He stopped when he saw the twisted grin on Luther 's face , and it made him remember with a falling heart that this man was not his real father .
16 He stopped when he saw the car and made as if to turn back .
17 However , her heart sank when she examined the bowl more closely .
18 ‘ My heart sank when I saw the hill . ’
19 Charlie 's heart sank when he read the orders ; he knew the odds against surviving two attacks were virtually unknown .
20 What was it the air-raid wardens shouted when they saw a house with a chink of light showing ?
21 I remember that we got round to talking about historical hindsight , or the kind of attitude to which André Maurois ( to whom I was to introduce Eliot years later ) referred when he imagined a man saying ‘ Gentlemen , we are about to enter upon the Middle Ages ’ .
22 She was surprised and offended when he left the room .
23 As well as candles , the company provided stoves and lanterns for troops in the Crimean war , Rangoon oil for lubricating rifles , and the Motorine oil which Rolls-Royce used when it won the Isle of Man TT race in 1906 .
24 This was the same formula that Harmsworth ( Lord Northcliffe ) used when he launched the Daily Mail in 1896 .
25 I remember researching the notes for the Bach Brandenburg Concerto you played when you brought the Berlin Philharmonic to play in the Sheldonian in Oxford and coming across a passage in the writing of that great American philosopher Susanne Langer , where she defines the competent artist as someone whose mind is trained and predisposed to see every option in relation to others and the whole .
26 Frau Nordern asked — and blenched when she heard the figure .
27 It was little more than Rangers deserved when they took the lead 10 minutes later when the impressive Sinton played a delightful one-two with Holloway before scoring with a rasping drive .
28 The question is what there is about what we learnt when we learnt the rule for + 2 which makes the continuation 20,002 , 20,004 , 20,006 objectively correct , and 20,004 , 20,008 , 20,012 objectively incorrect .
29 Graham Shaw , ex-Cadbury Schweppes , said he always gulped when he received a headhunter 's bill , and certainly took cost into account in choosing between the methods .
30 Our first minor disagreement of this kind came when we met a large puddle on a woodland track and Skipper decided he could n't possibly get his feet wet .
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