Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] want [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I was half asleep against his shoulder and then … suddenly I realized that I wanted him to kiss me .
2 That day , she only realised that nobody wants their special enemy , chosen with care and attacked with force , to renounce the role and throw down arms and instead bare their breasts for an embrace .
3 She recognised that he wanted her to forget what had happened , but that it also leapt vividly before his eyes and had a hold on him too .
4 Then word came that they wanted me to do a test !
5 Even more extreme was Olympic decathlete Daley Thompson , who straightforwardly stated that he wanted nothing to do with blacks : ‘ I 've never let the fact that my father was Nigerian [ his mother was Scottish ] interfere with me .
6 Margaret , already a mother of eight , decided that she wanted her ninth baby to be born at home .
7 Derrick Greaves thought Minton was very much opposed to flaccid impressionism or complacent anti-modernism , of the Munnings variety , and saw that he wanted his students to examine brutally and fully what kind of vocabulary suited the needs of the day .
8 Now I felt that I wanted nothing else in the world but to be allowed to read this dismal grammar all winter .
9 Then the prisoner spoke and I understood that he wanted my sword .
10 Cardiff knew that it wanted them .
11 But I knew that you wanted me to talk to you whether you wanted me to or not !
12 Distraught at what he had thrown away — and , whether she was guilty or innocent , he only knew that he wanted her back — he ran towards Vetch Street like a man possessed , head bare , careless of curious glances and jeering comment at his headlong progress , reaching Vetch Street — to find that she was not there .
13 A deep responsive pulse seemed to begin pounding deep in her stomach , and she knew that she wanted him every bit as much as he wanted her , that every fibre of her being was throbbing with the compulsive drive of passionate need and desire .
14 The phrasing got so slow and emphatic that you knew that she wanted you to listen to and weigh up every single word ; but you could n't tell if each word was freighted with anger , or bitterness , or joy ; it just came out with great , quiet force , and you had to work out its tone for yourself .
15 ‘ I thought that you wanted me to go , ’ Erika said .
16 Chief inspector Walter Walker , who helped organise the survey , explained , ‘ Many said that they wanted us to be more friendly and caring , and give more information to visitors .
17 In the same speech she said that she wanted her government to be remembered as one ‘ which decisively broke with a debilitating consensus of a paternalistic Government and a dependent people ; which rejected the notion that the State is all powerful and the citizen is merely its beneficiary ; which shattered the illusion that Government could somehow substitute for individual performance ’ .
18 ‘ When , some time later , he and I discussed who might take over the responsibility for producing it I rejected the traditional drama types , who did the children 's serials , and said that I wanted somebody , full of vinegar , who 'd be prepared to break rules in doing the show .
19 Dad always said that he wanted me to seize all the opportunities that he had missed .
20 It is in Britain 's interest for us to be at the heart of that Europe — where the Prime Minister said that he wanted us , but where he signally failed to put us at Maastricht .
21 I gave him a draft of the first chapter and explained that I wanted it to be the sort of book that would sell in airport book stalls .
22 She explained that she wanted someone outside her family to know about them in case anything should happen to her before she would be able to raise the issue with someone with influence in Northern Ireland .
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