Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] think [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ When you said something about the real tragedy for anyone facing a handicap is when expected support is withdrawn , then yesterday at your flat I realised that you thought I 'd walked out on Jennifer when I discovered she had MS .
2 Clough also revealed that he thought he had signed Welsh international striker Dean Saunders before his move to Liverpool — and admitted selling Teddy Sheringham to Tottenham may have been a mistake .
3 Now if I was a cadre and I received that I think I would be thinking right erm if I really want to be at the forefront of this that 's the policy that I want to promote erm and if the peasants in my area are not demanding this and not achieving this well we , I , I ca n't be seen not to be going it , I 've got ta go with this .
4 Bessie Parkes more prudently replied that she thought it was " undeniable " that it would bring lower wages but " it was only fair to let women have a fair share in the competition " .
5 Within Dotty 's hearing a home pirate remarked that he thought it had all been a storm in a teacup .
6 What had happened was that Syl had , one evening , flushed with wine , remarked that he thought it would be a good idea if we got married .
7 She went on , ‘ Mother used to say it was so rude to keep people waiting , because it implied that you thought your time was more precious than theirs . ’
8 The nervous enthusiasm of his expression was such that Miss Daunt afterwards confessed that she thought he was about to use the gun on her .
9 you meant that they thought it was a good thing to do .
10 I felt that he thought I wanted to run the last leg for the glory .
11 He knew that she thought him to be a stiff and unimaginative person .
12 Claudia blushed at the thought of seeing Hadrian 's Wall with Roman as her guide , but the pleasure faded quickly as she remembered that he thought she was Garry 's mistress .
13 McCurbin died of asphyxiation from pressure applied to the neck , but the police who arrested him said that they thought he was faking as he struggled for life .
14 And what you might need to start thinking about as well is how could you illustrate some of these , already around you in the room , going up , work from year nine where they have started writing that as a complaint to god , moaning about Hurricane Andrew , about earthquakes and floods and so on and they 've decided that they 're going to illustrate the work they 're doing with these paper cuttings of disasters and problems in the world , there 's one up here about a gorilla that 's been taken from the wild and is in captivity in London Zoo and they said that they think it 's wrong .
15 And they talked to her , most politely : the Martin man asked her when she was doing her Finals , and she told him , and he asked her what she was going to do then , and she said that she thought she would do a teacher 's training course .
16 Julia put the desolation that suddenly thrust itself into her mind down to her cold and said that she thought she ought to go bed .
17 As she pulled the dress over my head she said that she thought it would still fit her , that she could see the hole at the neckline where my grandmother had pinned a pearl brooch as something old , that the classic line never dated .
18 But then you see , she said that she thought it was too many so she put it
19 I said that I thought they were wrong ; but that if that was their reason for declining to serve I could only accept it and be sorry .
20 Back in Britain writing my last newsletter to the Group in Scotland I had loved and brought together , I said that I thought we had to be much bolder , taking an a priori stance on the fact that there could be no discrimination against women .
21 I answered my own question , and said that I thought we must be middle class , and reflected very precisely in that moment on my mother 's black waisted coat with the astrakhan collar , and her high-heeled black suede shoes , her lipstick .
22 Oh right , I see when you said that I thought he was going to an army regiment that they put up in Gloucester
23 I said that I thought it would be alright and made arrangements to meet him again at the church on the following Saturday afternoon to discuss details .
24 I said that I thought I could just about get my act together sufficiently to come .
25 I said that I think you 'll find , Ron that Trudy if she married would have to give up her late husband 's occupational widow 's pension so that the way you 're going on now , where you go and stay with her for two or three days at a time is far better oh no , no , no , she 'll be able to keep her pension I said I very much doubt it then I said people are so jealous that if she does marry you and he does n't tell the firm I bet that one of her dear neighbours will oh no they 're all very nice people round where she lives , I thought there 's no good arguing with Ron !
26 It is recorded that on 4 January 1965 ‘ Mr R J Henderson said that he thought something should be done to start a Building Fund . ’
27 He was able to express his own upset at his mother 's absence and said that he thought she had gone away because he had been naughty .
28 NO SNOW fell during the night and at 10.00 , after Erika had run her five kilometres under a dazzling blue sky , Karl ran and said that he thought he rather did that a brief tour of Berlin would be possible and that he would be waiting in the lounge of the Palast at 11.00 ; adding that Paul should meet them at the television Tower at 1.00
29 He said that he thought he was being arrested in connection with the fight .
30 In his office the manager said that he thought he might have a part going , and then looked at Arthur for a long time .
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