Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] know [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Shouted that he knew I was inside .
2 She was ‘ extremely upset ’ and shouted that she knew they would not believe her and left the workshop .
3 They found that he knew what he wanted ; that he was persuasive in trying to get it ; that what he wanted was good ; and they suddenly realized that this new young professor dragged them into the twentieth century .
4 Then he caught Epitot 's eye , and realized that he knew it too .
5 As for the race itself , Kinane added that he knew he would win some way from home and had enjoyed a trouble-free run throughout .
6 We therefore assumed that he knew what he was doing , and got on with our work as well .
7 He confirmed that you knew nothing about any of it .
8 Sherriffe , a raw bustling wing , also showed that he knew his way to the line , but perhaps it was fitting that the elusive Purdy should be credited with his side 's final try .
9 One 11 year old who was asked about the shape of the Earth replied that he knew he was supposed to say that it was shaped like a sphere , but that he thought people only say that so that it would fit easily on a globe :
10 Paradoxically , it was n't till her eyes opened that he knew he was wrong .
11 Shiona sensed that he knew she had something on her mind .
12 I could not understand at the time why they thought we were Germans , but I later discovered that they knew we were people from a border and the only border they could think of was the one with Austria , which for them was the same as Germany .
13 I fancied that I knew what he was thinking ; much like what Jack would have thought .
14 Of course being nervous he often drank a little too much , so that when he finally looked up at the end of the night it would be with something like desperation , a fear that no one was going to ask him to leave with them ; but the way he looked at you also meant that you knew he would never say no , if you did ask .
15 Lucy Lane had been working in his team for three years but he felt that he knew her only a little better than he had done after her first month .
16 And strangely enough she felt that she knew him but that was absurd , she had never seen him before .
17 She felt that she knew him already .
18 As for herself , she was uncertain she had ever had any , and yet , for all that , she sometimes joyfully felt that she knew what it was about .
19 He did n't have to scream at people to get his way ; he just told them and he knew that they knew they had better do it that way or there was gon na be trouble ! ’
20 Coleworthy knew his job and knew that you knew yours .
21 I could take it and Barry knew that I knew that he knew I could take it .
22 And knew that he knew it too .
23 The great Labour party — which brought together militants , because it thought that they knew what they could do for the working people of this country — is scornfully setting democracy aside .
24 She thought that she knew who the lucky man might be , and it took all her strength of mind not to betray the dreadful emotions which merely thinking of him aroused in her .
25 I had been on one of these camps before so I thought that I knew what to expect .
26 Major insisted that he knew nothing of the BCCI fraud before June 28 , 1991 , when he was informed by the Bank of England .
27 Mrs. Steed , too , insisted that she knew nothing of the sale .
28 ‘ After she learned that you knew me and were coming down to see me ? ’
29 He was full of inconsequential but amusing chatter and Louise had been right when she said that he knew everybody .
30 She denied that she knew anything about the power of attorney .
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