Example sentences of "[vb past] that [pron] [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 She found that he revolted her .
2 Sinking down on her bed , she found that it took her quite some time to get herself more of one piece .
3 The Lieutenant recommended that we bring her to you , as she was carrying this . ’
4 He became devoted most of all to Mary Evans , the eldest daughter , and believed that he loved her .
5 She recognised that he wanted her to forget what had happened , but that it also leapt vividly before his eyes and had a hold on him too .
6 Hari gestured that he follow her through the door into the small back yard and from there into the small workshop .
7 Meg looked down briefly , smiling , pleased that he trusted her .
8 The sister claimed that he told her , shortly before his death , that he had a sexual relationship with the doctor .
9 A-Team star George Peppard 's second wife , actress Elizabeth Ashley — whom he met and fell in love with when they made The Carpetbaggers in 1964 — claimed that he assaulted her and came at her with a hot frying pan , an allegation that Peppard has always strongly denied .
10 Chelmsford Crown Court heard that he blasted her with a sawn-off shotgun in the street in front of their two young children .
11 Sir Robert — she saw that he watched her still — said :
12 Lucy Lane had been working in his team for three years but he felt that he knew her only a little better than he had done after her first month .
13 He was perfectly amiable to her on the few occasions when they did meet ; sometimes she even felt that he liked her .
14 Anne felt that she considered her a green fool , and Mabel was indignant that Hetty was very ready to accept the ‘ perks ’ of the job , such as the cakes and bread given to the staff by Mrs Dyson , and the extra money from Mr Dyson , but was always on the alert for any infringement of her rights .
15 Carla sent him a lawyer 's letter , demanded that he pay her £500 and write a grovelling letter , which she now has framed .
16 Her Finals were approaching , and she had no idea of what she should do next , and indeed did not dare to think about the future for she knew that it offered her little in the way of readily acceptable projects .
17 His expression was stony and she knew that he blamed her .
18 She was watching the chief inspector 's face as she said it , and she knew that he believed her , and accepted her as a good witness .
19 Fred was a lovely man , he was warm and tender towards her , and she knew that he loved her dearly , but he had become very possessive since Rachel was born .
20 Distraught at what he had thrown away — and , whether she was guilty or innocent , he only knew that he wanted her back — he ran towards Vetch Street like a man possessed , head bare , careless of curious glances and jeering comment at his headlong progress , reaching Vetch Street — to find that she was not there .
21 Mrs Mohammed-Holgate was the temporary lodger whom the police arrested when , many months after the burglary , the original owner of the valuables thought that she recognized her from the description given by the shop owner of the person from whom she had bought the jewellery .
22 She insisted that he told her he felt ‘ ashamed , embarrassed and dirty ’ about the ‘ kinky ’ relationship , and had continued it only ‘ because he was n't paying her much ’ .
23 Another victim complained that he attacked her after they attended a medical conference at a South Coast hotel six years ago .
24 when I spoke to about it she said that you told her to hand it over to my department cos it was a national account
25 She said that she penalized her cos of her weight .
26 Besides , Adam said that he loved her .
27 He shrugged and said that he loved her , which was reassuring to hear if not particularly helpful .
28 A divorced friend of mine said that it took her about a year to reach the breakthrough .
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