Example sentences of "[vb past] not [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These agencies helped not just with marketing but with information .
2 To the left as you entered was the copper over which hung a galvanised tub used not only on wash days but also for personal baths .
3 But , even when we have made allowance for the exaggerated impressions of a boy of fifteen , recollected many years later , it may be taken as evidence that Lanfranc and his handful of monks from Bec and Caen met not only with hostility , but also with a good deal of successful resistance .
4 In Director of Public Prosecutions v. Gordon [ 1990 ] R.T.R. 71 it was held that Hobbs v. Clark applied not only to driver 's option cases but also to obligatory section 7(4) cases and this was followed in Paterson v. Director of Public Prosecutions [ 1990 ] R.T.R. 329 .
5 In Los Angeles , discussions centred not merely on drug usage as a topical exploitation subject for movies but also on the widespread and varied substances which were readily available , being increasingly used and largely blamed for the incredible recent upsurge in violence within the protest movement .
6 They gleamed not only about Mama 's neck but tumbled almost as far as her waist — and could seem all different colours .
7 Quigley , who seemed not quite in control of himself , grabbed the man by the ears .
8 This condition is characteristic of societies dominated not only by kinship but also by feudalism or slavery ; it is also characteristic of the peasant village .
9 There are also in many languages forms reserved for authorized recipients , including restrictions on most titles of address ( Your Honour , Mr President , etc. ) ; in Tunica there were pronouns that differed not only with sex of referent , but also with the sex of the addressee , so that there were , for example , two words for " they " , depending on whether one was speaking to a man or a woman ( Haas , ibid . ) .
10 Variation from authority averages by the two methods differed not only in size but in direction .
11 The Alliance , which increasingly became a de facto Nonconformist organization , existed not just to fight popery but Puseyism and also to coordinate Evangelical work .
12 This provides the College budget , which , based on the local detailed plan for course provision , is converted into resources , constrained not only by finance , but also by central directives about staffing levels and grades , the use of support services etc , and the way the support services are organised and controlled .
13 Bakewell bred not only for meat but for as much tallow as possible and in doing so he improved the Longhorn but at the same time destroyed its future prospects .
14 The thunder broke not long after sunset , as Cameron and Menzies sat with a jug of wine , reckoning up the day 's gains and setbacks .
15 These practices , they further note , ‘ varied not only from region to region and from time to time but also from social class to social class , so that their impact on field systems and rural settlement patterns is complex and not easy to determine . ’
16 Science and technology all too often seemed to overtake the wildest fantasies of Utopian thinkers , plagues of infectious diseases were conquered , people flew not only into air but out into space and landed on the moon ; instant communications brought a " global village " and so on , yet all this progress of science and technology did not bring Utopia .
17 And my mother died not long before Christmas , and I thought I was doing fine .
18 On a local level Free Church Councils grew not only in number but in the work they undertook .
19 That problem , moreover , related not only to furnishing but to architecture , where the Rule of Taste was in similar disarray .
20 Barbara had been standing very close to him , and he had been conscious of the nearness of her left breast and the faint smell of perfume mixed not unpleasantly with sweat .
21 His 50-year-old lived-in face smiled not out of embarrassment , rather out of nostalgic reflection .
22 ‘ With this one there was very little injury and as well as that she was quite a big girl and it may very well be that at the end of the day we could say that she did n't resist to the last and if she did n't then of course it 's not rape it 's a different crime , indecent assault . ’
23 Esther also left not long after midnight .
24 It smelt not only of mud and rotting materials , but also the unmistakable odour of human waste .
25 While Arminius had not explicitly denied predestination , he had claimed that God 's grace could be resisted by the individual , that salvation was open to all men and women , and that it depended not only on faith but also on the individual 's conduct while on earth .
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