Example sentences of "[vb past] he could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 the time he phoned he could only get Friday of the first week
2 Robert Converse who was not in this heat reported he could not pull the usual manifold pressure he uses when racing .
3 He had never been a happy sightseer and until his work was done , until Harry Lawrence 's killer was identified and caught he could n't see himself playing the tourist at the Changing of the Guard , or the Tower of London , even Poets ' Corner which he had longed to see , as a passionate student of English poetry … that would have to wait .
4 At fourteen he found he could also copy perfectly any handwriting placed in front of him .
5 Joseph found he could n't sit still and he rose to pace back and forth at a distance from the others .
6 He circled , looking for the other two , and then found he could n't level out : the outer half of the left wing was shredded , as if by hailstones .
7 Even so , he found he could n't walk away .
8 And he found he could n't handle it .
9 He found he could n't pursue the thought to its proper conclusion .
10 When his coolie picked up the shafts and broke into his loping stride , Joseph found he could n't look at the narrow , sweat-streaked shoulders bobbing in front of him without seeing the bleeding welts caused by the French colon 's cane .
11 Delaney found he could n't say anything .
12 He 'd come here first and found he could n't get in .
13 The next day he went to work , but found he could not concentrate and returned home without telling anyone .
14 He could control his left arm on the handlebar when riding a push-bike , but he found he could not use an exercise bicycle because the effort involved automatically increased his spasticity beyond his control .
15 It was then he found he could not get out of the finance deal .
16 In an interview with the popular intellectual magazine Magill in June , Archbishop MacNamara found he could not accept that the state had the power to determine the meaning and nature of marriage and compared the effects of divorce to the recent Chernobyl nuclear disaster .
17 He spoke slowly , his gaze never leaving Fairham , who found he could only hold that gaze for a couple of seconds at a time .
18 The Collector found he could hardly breathe in the middle of this appalling sandwich ; a few inches from his nose the face of a dead sepoy grinned at him with sparkling teeth ; the Collector had the odd sensation that the man 's eyes were watching his efforts with amusement .
19 The wind caught at him , blew at him , a gusty enemy he found he could hardly overcome .
20 He wanted to yell for joy but when he tried he could n't get any sound out .
21 However , often the best way of challenging a dysfunctional attitude is to test out the validity of the attitude , for example a client who believed he could not stand going to a party might be invited to test this belief out by going , for at least part of the time .
22 It was a question of how he believed he could best attain his major political purposes .
23 I suggested that he might like to go and have a talk with his crew , I did not want to send him back to his squadron , but with a new navigator I believed he could eventually forge a good Pathfinding crew .
24 I imagined he could just sit down , perhaps at the typewriter to which he had recourse even for poetry , and produce the requisite text .
25 He watched her blush , and imagined he could actually feel a little glow of heat on his own skin , radiating off her warmth .
26 Mr Rampton read extracts from Sir Anthony Eden 's May 1945 diaries which Lord Aldington agreed showed he could not have had dinner with the minister on 25 and 26 May as he had claimed .
27 Edward declared he could not continue to be king without the women he loved .
28 Mr Georgiadis said much of Mr Makallah 's evidence to the inquest had been lies — particularly details on three important issues : Mr Makallah claimed he could not drive , yet other witnesses claimed to have been driven by him ; he denied telling a camp site proprietor that Miss Ward was definitely not killed by wild animals ; and he covered up how he knew her jeep did not have four-wheel drive .
29 Writing from his prison cell in the Republic where he is serving 10 years for armed robbery , McGlinchey claimed he could easily tap into a central databank of RUC files .
30 That he reckoned he could still do .
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