Example sentences of "[vb past] he [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But the needs of his body , so long suppressed , caused him to avail himself of her a second time , and towards the end he felt himself impregnate her .
2 She took the cup of tea-bag Indian and allowed him to settle himself at the large deal table covered with music scores .
3 When Paullus saw at Olympia the gold and ivory statue of Zeus by Pheidias , he declared he felt himself in the presence of a god .
4 He claimed he associated himself with an abnormality that characterised the outstanding personalities of history , such as Confucius , Jesus Christ , Julius Caesar and Hitler .
5 Cressy had been moored at Tardebigge for four years while Rolt undertook various forms of engineering war-work , but when peace returned he threw himself into the task of preserving the canal system .
6 Out of the corner of my eye I watched him wipe himself with Kleenex tissues and drop them on the floor , indifferent to the smears of blood on them .
7 His many-sided aesthetic interests led him to surround himself with first editions , Bristol glass , mother-of-pearl knick-knacks , and , above all , his notable collection of musical boxes ( later given to the Pitt Rivers Museum , Oxford ) .
8 She felt him gather himself like a beast on the powerful springs of its limbs .
9 ‘ When he was here , did he make himself at home ? ’
10 The Legal Adviser was not pensioned off , neither did he take himself to Malta .
11 Absurd , of course , but then the question emerges : Did he allow himself to be used ?
12 He held his last press conference in 1955 , but no more than in 1946 did he resign himself to a permanent retirement .
13 Nor did he introduce himself to Ellen or Thessy , but instead looked warily up into the rigging as though he expected to be ambushed from the foremast 's crosstrees .
14 Rain left him supporting himself against a table as she fetched her shoulder bag .
15 How had he allowed himself to be landed with such a sickly , dependent boy , but Willie was sick with excitement , not fear .
16 As the front door closed he pulled himself from the sofa and watched her drive away .
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