Example sentences of "[vb past] he [adv] [vb pp] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Though some people found him rather wrapped up in his thoughts , he always enjoyed talking to children about science .
2 She lost him then and had to search and found him eventually curled up amid the wiring in the back of the record-player where he had n't hidden for a long time , not since two dark-haired people who were into black magic had come to dinner and he had disappeared for half a day until she found his secret hole .
3 I took him into the hangar where the kites were and stroked his uniform , I kissed his insignia , Then I found out how far his freckles went down , I got him so worked up he 'd have promised me anything to let him do it to me That was really how he saw it , it was something he wanted to do to a girl .
4 Davis , of course , would have walked into England 's team in Poland a week on Wednesday ; until last season 's prolonged suspension , followed by injury , Bobby Robson had him firmly pencilled in as Bryan Robson 's replacement .
5 If he 'd already known Ryan , which it now seemed he did , had he then looked up her parents deliberately ?
6 Had he really made up his mind that firmly ?
7 Had he really moved out before the Viola-Machin romance got going ?
8 Not until now had he really known how much it all meant to him .
9 She wondered , if Mr Brown were able to get them back , would he want them , or had he now grown too accustomed to his hand the way it was ?
10 Why had he never got round to building another sonic screwdriver ?
11 He said he just carried on in the same direction .
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