Example sentences of "[vb past] for [adv] [adv] [been] " in BNC.

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1 I had for too long been conscious only of my own concerns , but now I became aware that those around me were troubled and at odds .
2 In November 1983 Milan Kundera wrote an essay for Le Débat , in which he argued that Russia could never really be considered part of Europe because it had for so long been dominated by Caesaropapism , where the civil emperor is also the supreme religious leader .
3 The road had for so long been the only goal that I 'd given no thought to anything beyond .
4 A disciplined , regular army was about to drive the gunmen from streets which had for so long been ruled by rival guerrillas exacting their own terrible day-to-day justice .
5 Fortunately , the answer lay close at hand , in that sense of the redeeming power of personal example which had for so long been part of the mental furniture of the British middle classes .
6 The finest of them all was probably Roger Payne ( 1739–97 ) , paradoxically an uneducated , hard-drinking workman , content to live in squalor , yet , over the years 1770–97 , producing for such patrons as Lord Spencer work that influenced the craft not only in England but in France , whose binding had for so long been supreme .
7 The London theatres , which had for so long been a particular thorn in the side of Puritan moralists such as William Prynne , were closed down at the outbreak of the civil war and remained shut until the Restoration .
8 What lies behind the fear and insecurity of French Canadians is patently a social cataclysm which is indicated by the dramatically sudden collapse of the Catholic Church in what had for so long been a conservative , Catholic , clerical , child- producing society not only among the farmers but among townspeople .
9 Yet he knew that most of them would never survive even if they were free and that most would probably want to stay where they had for so long been safe , secure and well fed .
10 It had taken a few days to persuade her ladyship to accept change , for she had for so long been used to living in squalor that she could not at first accustom herself to an altered way of life .
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