Example sentences of "[vb past] i was [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 I also realized I was going to be OK .
2 I realised I was going to be nicked .
3 She also mentioned I was going to the dentist next week ( correct ) , I would travel often ( debatable ) and that I would still end up with a lot of money ( probably wrong ) .
4 It really did n't feel like it was such big stuff , it was just happening to me and I believed I was going to be all right .
5 I was lucky , because instead of being on house assessment I was called and told I was going to be on the works party next day , only my second day at Styal .
6 Unfortunately , I completely forgot I was attached to the table — all the lunch things fell off , the wine spilt and the glasses shattered .
7 When we arrived I was introduced to the medium , Helen , a quite ordinary , sandy-haired woman in her mid-thirties , and the rest of the group , Dora and Leo and Katy and Humphrey , and everyone made a great fuss of me .
8 That meant I was transferred to the grammar school at Bideford , where I stayed until I took my " O " levels in the first year the system was inaugurated .
9 Suddenly I felt I was talking to my mum .
10 Last week I gave a talk to a parents ' committee in one of our schools on how to make a constitution — I felt I was contributing to the growth of grass roots democracy in South Africa .
11 It did n't bother me , I knew I was engaged to be married , and in those days as soon as you were going to be married you left your job … that is the only thing we girls had to look forward to , getting married and going on our own , getting our bottom drawer together and things like that …
12 But he knew I was coming to Slane , and , I suppose , because he knew you , knew you came from Slane , he thought it would be amusing to force us to meet … ’
13 ‘ I knew I was going to be tough to beat this week .
14 I knew I was going to be deceived .
15 Once his tongue was loosened , I knew I was going to be told more than I wanted to know about Jean-Claude 's past .
16 But I knew I was going to East Kilbride I thought , This is stupid , it 's only gon na make it worse .
17 ‘ It was pretty obvious that you were n't too happy when you knew I was going to be working here .
18 I knew I was going to Stafford for a few days , but I do n't think , I 'll be there a fortnight .
19 The boss knew I was worked to death , and not wanting to lose me said , ‘ Mick , you take a few days rest .
20 I thought I was getting to him .
21 Then thought I was trying to .
22 It was the sort of look between us which would have started alert interest in me if I 'd spotted it between others , and I thought I was hear to losing my grip on what I was supposed to be doing , and that I 'd better be more careful .
23 Those G Ps told me , I thought I was listening to my own speeches to be honest , from about a year or two ago .
24 That summer I thought I was going to be able to work in the shop full-time up until I started at St. Martin 's School of Art in the autumn .
25 So , I thought I was going to be a freelancer — what a fool .
26 Leigh says : ‘ I honestly thought I was going to be on my own for at least a decade but I did n't know the Twiglet was going to come on the scene .
27 I thought I was going to be sucked out .
28 At the top of the stairs I thought I was going to be sick and returned stiffly to the bathroom .
29 Sometimes I thought I was going to ; sometimes I was even more scared at the thought that I would n't .
30 I thought I was going to be buried . ’
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