Example sentences of "[vb past] i [vb mod] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He understood how she needed me when war broke out and most of the men were away , he realized I would n't feel able to go back to England and abandon her .
2 Haughtily I will now declare that even if asked I could not endorse anything in which I did not believe .
3 I remember a go , a go with some of them that I thought I could do , but realised I ca n't do , do you know what I mean ?
4 How we all laughed when I got it home and realised I ca n't play !
5 I wanted to touch her and make her better but I realised I could n't do that .
6 I was sure I could cope but the CF clinic people had all gone home by the time I realised I could n't manage — ’
7 So I promised I would n't go out with him again .
8 I promised I would n't touch anything , having no intention whatsoever of going anywhere near the bathroom again .
9 ‘ I promised I wo n't stand in your way , but I think you 're rushing things .
10 I found I could n't do the tarot readings anymore .
11 ‘ No , nor I , and although I might have wanted , so very many times , over the past few years , to walk away , shed my responsibilities , let them all get the hell on with it , perhaps I 'm a marginally better person than I had thought , because I found I could n't do it .
12 I mean I keep on saying if I found I could n't do the maths I 'd ditched
13 I prodded with my pole , but somehow the current made it cling , and I found I could n't shake Casey away .
14 Anyway the workload gradually increased until I found I could n't continue any longer and have been off work for the last six months .
15 I could n't tell how exactly , except that I found I could n't teach you so well .
16 ‘ I wondered what exactly was going on when I found I could n't get into my own garage because of a great red car parked in the way . ’
17 And when I did I found I could n't concentrate on my work at all .
18 sitting on the bed in my old room last night , I found I could n't work out how I felt about Hilda dying .
19 I started relationships with women my own age , but found I could n't take to them because I could n't forget the woman I had married .
20 I was about to add his son had been an excellent patient , and found I could not do it .
21 ‘ I found I could not afford it so I pulled out , ’ he said .
22 Whenever Mackie was n't actively helping Tremayne she stayed close also to Fiona , and although I tried I could n't dislodge the underlying anxiety in their eyes .
23 He made me a fair offer in the circumstances and I even picked up another two pounds from one of the street traders for Charlie 's huge barrow ; but hard though I tried I could n't find a buyer for Granpa Charlie 's dreadful old nineteenth-century relic .
24 In the case of statements made in Parliament , as at present advised I can not foresee that any statement other than the statement of the minister or other promoter of the Bill is likely to meet these criteria .
25 The limited category of members of Parliament whose statements are to be admissible under the rule derives from Lord Browne-Wilkinson 's belief that ‘ in the case of statements made in Parliament , as at present advised I can not foresee that any statement other than the statement of the minister or other promoter of the Bill is likely to meet these criteria ’ .
26 When I first came I could n't stand it .
27 But when the winter came I could n't take it , I came back .
28 Of the second here illustrated , the Moss Provence , Miller said that it had not long been known in London and the first time he saw it ‘ was in 1727 in the garden of Dr Boerhaave near Leyden who was so good as to give me one of the plants , but from where it came I could not learn .
29 Whenever Italy played I could n't help noticing that Brian looked remarkably like Salvatore Schilacci , but he did n't seem too pleased when I pointed this out .
30 I knew that academically I was the least qualified and assumed I would n't get it .
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