Example sentences of "[vb past] it for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So when we set out to develop our new Panasonic brand AT compatible personal computer , we designed it for maximum versatility .
2 Those patients with a good postoperative result ‘ maintained it for many years , gained occupationally and vocationally , were pleased with the results of the operation , and were willing to recommend it to others ’ .
3 I used it for New Blues and almost all of Summer Song and perhaps the solo on Rubina 's Blue Sky Happiness .
4 UN relief flights to Juba — known as " Operation Lifeline Sudan " — were halted temporarily on July 21 , after Sudanese government troops had boarded a UN plane and used it for one week to transport troops and military equipment .
5 I pointed out that the ground was once part of Tip Farm and that on rainy days Bob Crudge still used it for artificial insemination .
6 ‘ I do n't think I really believed it for one second .
7 But ESA delayed it for five years , mainly so that this prestige project could be launched on the European launcher Ariane .
8 He studied it for some time and then said : ‘ That 's bad , I 'm afraid .
9 I used to want to work at the violin , and I played it for two years .
10 Paxton 's SRI trials ( Paxton 1977 ) found that island-driving improved performance for shorter sentences but decreased it for longer ones .
11 After completing the orchestral score , Reger reworked it for two pianos , but this version for piano duet has more of the original material .
12 Most people joined it for humanitarian reasons but it was an outlet for all kinds of disgust .
13 But in her case we allowed it for obvious reasons . ’
14 He followed it for two blocks , in the inside lane , then suddenly cut across the traffic to the centre , executed a left U-turn and returned to the Platz der Einheit .
15 To cross the river we returned to the road , followed it for some way parallel to the railway and then joined the line again near a farm .
16 he enjoyed it for forty years .
17 The stability of the building was also queried and Mr. Fair ‘ absolutely guaranteed it for 200 years ! ’
18 The International Herald Tribune of April 28 reported that the US government had for more than two years had evidence that Iraq had diverted food purchased under a US$5,500 million aid programme and exchanged it for Soviet-made arms in Jordan , Turkey and the Soviet Union , including nuclear technology according to a confidential US document dated Oct. 13 , 1989 .
19 I returned it to the centre and exchanged it for another kit which also gave me a zero reading .
20 Well , I stuck it for two years .
21 ‘ They asked for an appointment , so I arranged it for this afternoon .
22 It was a debilitating time and he felt he survived it for two reasons — a ‘ rigorous regime ’ , which included a vegetarian diet , and the devoted nursing of his widowed landlady , Sarah Lordore ( or Lardeau ) at his lodgings in Stoke Newington .
23 The target was demonstrably stronger than the signal from the 24-cm calibration sphere , and we tracked it for 68 seconds , in which time it seemed to dive from 69 m to 114 m ( a speed of0–8 m/s or just under 3 km/h ) .
24 His occupancy lasted until 1 761 , when he sold it to another local clothier , John Cox , in whose family it remained until 1818 when Elizabeth and William leased it for seven years to the partnership of John Cox and Weston Hicks .
25 He wanted five per cent , we settled it for three point seven five .
26 I watched it for some time but there 's nobody about .
27 I watched it for several minutes , and they seemed to be landing and one was stationary in the air , without moving , and the rest were going up and down .
28 I wore it for one year and that
29 When I wore it for seven hours in wind-driven rain , the jacket only started absorbing water after the fourth hour .
30 She had not yet even recognised what it was , but she knew it for better worth than she had ever yet been given .
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