Example sentences of "[vb past] to [be] [prep] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Seemed to be on kissing terms with half the chaps in the cricket ground , when we got there .
2 How we used to look forward to it and how long it seemed to be in coming .
3 When he sensed that the politicians were afraid enough of the army to come to terms with him ( as they seemed to be after learning that troops based in Algeria had seized control of the island of Corsica on 24 – 25 May ) , he flashed a red light to Algiers and moved on the political front in Paris .
4 MICHAEL WINNER and I ceased to be on speaking terms after I described him as a very average director who made very average movies .
5 In the Life , he makes a number of references — to Johnson 's high regard for a man he knew to be in hiding in London on account of having borne arms in the ‘ 45 ; to the curious fact that Johnson wrote almost not at all during the year 1745 — though Boswell , a windblown reed at best where politics were concerned , attributes this to preparation for the great Dictionary , rather than to any politically-induced melancholia .
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