Example sentences of "[vb past] have [been] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 Over 140 people listed had been detained in a wave of arrests in Nouakchott and Nouadhibou beginning in November 1990 .
2 Two of the three involved have been mentioned in the previous section : first was Mrs Cummings ' daughter-in-law , who had become more content with continued home care after one year .
3 Excavation has also uncovered the impressive rock-cut ditch of the Norman motte and bailey castle , believed to have been built in the 1080s .
4 The refusal to talk , believed to have been decided in a meeting of the Politburo , contributed to renewed speculation here that Mr Honecker may no longer be in full control .
5 In Kalimantan ( Borneo ) , fires believed to have been smouldering in underground coal seams since 1986 or even 1982-83 had now taken hold across many thousands of acres of secondary forest growth ( i.e. the re-growth after clearance ) , often fuelled by the debris from logging operations , and were approaching the primary rainforest of Kutai national park .
6 It was no boyish fancy , the feelings he had for her ; they seemed to have been born in him .
7 Most of the attacks were near main roads , and the original police hypothesis was that a single madman or religious fanatic was motoring from one enclosed pasture to another ; then several horses seemed to have been assaulted in different places at the same time , although this is not certain .
8 He puzzled over the dates on the backs of photographs , most of which seemed to have been taken in May , and he tried to get from his aunts the precise age gap between his parents and between his mother and Uncle Stanley .
9 Some strength or recklessness seemed to have been released in her by recent events ; she had increased as Anwar had diminished .
10 the biggest problems in the running of the new services after closure seemed to have been encountered in Torbay .
11 Dorigo had a great game , I thought , but all too often seemed to have been left in sole command of the entire left side of the pitch — every time he went forward alone , large gaps appeared behind him , and the gaps were frequently filled by the ball and Sunderland players .
12 During the trial Mr O'Donnell told how he had agreed to go with McPherson , who had driven him to a lay-by at the Rest and Be Thankful on the A83 road , where men he recognised had been waiting in a van .
13 Boucheron , who had been suspended from the PS at his own request in October 1990 , claimed to have been acting in the interests of the party .
14 Interviews with 10,000 people for the survey showed that one in five women felt very unsafe when out walking at night ; yet fewer than one in 70 claimed to have been attacked in the past year .
15 In Exeter the wool staplers moved quickly in 1787 to imprison some striking wool sorters who were seeking to advance their wages , but at several other times since the statute they employed had been enacted in 1726 , they had conceded advances sought by their journeymen .
16 The deal , understood to have been agreed in talks on Nov. 5 , offered a political solution after 19 years of guerrilla violence in the south-east of the country , which was inhabited by tribal people ( mainly practising the Buddhist , Christian or Hindu religions ) .
17 A dog with more breeds in its blood than hairs on its back foamed and yapped at them from the limit of its rope ; the curtains of several trailers were drawn back by shadowy witnesses ; two girls in early adolescence , both with hair so long and blonde they looked to have been baptized in gold ( unlikely beauty , in such a place ) rose from beside the fire , one running as if to alert guards , the other watching the newcomers with a smile somewhere between the seraphic and the cretinous on her face .
18 The Treasury , which other departments felt had been engaging in the review only half-heartedly until mid-March ( and which was urged to take a greater role by Mr Major ) , was damned if it was going to see its VAT switch spent on anything that could be tagged ‘ son of poll tax ’ .
19 A FATHER yesterday held the hand of the daughter he thought had been killed in a plane crash .
20 His unsettling nightmares continued , and the John-Augustus struggle which he thought had been resolved in Buttermere began to re-emerge .
21 According to eyewitness accounts reported in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , about twenty per cent of the buildings and the frescoes of Budhas and Bodhisattvas that they contained have been destroyed in the process of so-called modernisation .
22 Although the precise aims and composition of RARA remained unclear , the organization appeared to have been formed in 1986 to protest against the " criminal policies " of the Netherlands authorities towards asylum seekers .
23 An appeal made to Rome in 1977 by the Roman catholic parents concerned with the Confirmation ban appeared to have been answered in their favour , as Bishop Philbin changed his pastoral policy and these children were allowed to go forward for confirmation in 1978–9 .
24 A breakthrough appeared to have been reached in the negotiations on June 26 when Bush revised his hitherto sacrosanct 1988 presidential campaign pledge not to increase taxes , and admitted that a budget agreement would have to include not only spending and entitlement cuts , but also " increased tax revenues " .
25 As things turned out this theoretically suspect approach appeared to have been vindicated in practice by the economic experience of the post-war period .
26 He 'd been cleaning out the fireplace and clearing the flue , neither of which appeared to have been used in years .
27 What guns the unit possessed had been captured in raids on isolated police barracks or ambushes on convoys in which men — his comrades — had willingly risked their lives .
28 The Association 's Director , Alan Mattingly , claimed that the decision to phase out indications of which land was Forestry Commission-XXXX owned had been taken in the light of plans to sell off Commission land .
29 ‘ What she did n't say and was too embarrassed to talk about was an uncanny feeling that she had only recently become aware of , but now realised had been growing in her ever since she had set foot on Titron .
30 On 24 February 1827 he married Hannah Keetch , said to have been born in Newfoundland .
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