Example sentences of "[vb past] a [noun] that [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Thus it was that in 1983 , accepting a quota of 1.2 million against Iran 's 2.4 , Iraq entered a caveat that its figure should be revised upwards if and when the Syrian line reopened .
2 One of the legends here is that a local authority inspector told a tenant that her furniture was too near the floor and thus rotting her carpet .
3 This APEX did , in accordance with its own rules , whereupon Cheall sought a declaration that his dismissal was invalid .
4 In November 1990 each of the applicants expressed a preference that his daughter should be educated at the school .
5 Ranulf was now fast asleep and the clerk breathed a prayer that his servant would not fall out of the saddle and break his neck .
6 A waitress told me of such an incident when she heard a rumour that her hotel management had appointed private detectives with the power to search staff homes — a not uncommon fear among hotel workers and one paralleling similar periodic fears in other occupations of this type .
7 In effect , the suggestion is that the sudden change of mind on the part of the local authority after receipt of the guardian 's report in January 1992 constituted an admission that their previous decision about the children was wholly wrong and , moreover , it is suggested that they have mismanaged their care of these children in specific regards .
8 The Coroner recorded a verdict that his death was misadventure .
9 It required a language that her English friends did not share .
10 With treacherous defiance , her eyes closed , abandoning her to her fate like the rest of her body , and she felt a despair that her brain was so languid that it was n't helping her to deny him .
11 The upsurge in our activity and in our public demands in the mid-1980s represented a declaration that our tolerance was running out .
12 It contained an acknowledgment that its decision to close Village school had been taken primarily on financial grounds .
13 He promised a " merciless " campaign against Hamas , but gave an assurance that his government would not be diverted from its commitment to the ongoing Middle East peace talks .
14 He gave an undertaking that his government would not adopt aggressive measures in future .
15 Sinclair thus gave an undertaking that his papers would always remain Unionist , but Steel-Maitland doubted if such a promise had any value .
16 I had a jumper that my mum knitted that went wrong and ended up twice the size it should have been .
17 A nice night 's sleep seems like a nice change , but nightmares have habits of popping up , once when I was five I had a dream that my friends and I were being ripped apart and eaten by a giant , now when the time comes to go into that great big C D tea room in the sky , could you change something ?
18 I had a feeling that his logic would not bear close scrutiny but was too numb to argue with the ancient greenkeeper .
19 I also had a feeling that my mother would never forgive me if she thought I had admitted to fornication and worse to a person who came to her house and drank her sherry .
20 His emphasis on the independence of theology , on refusing to allow any other intellectual discipline to dictate to it , reflected an awareness that his own earlier thought might itself have been guilty of imposing inappropriate categories and of squeezing theology into a strait-jacket .
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