Example sentences of "[vb past] a [noun] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 With soil-caked fingers he drew a handkerchief from a pocket and blew his nose .
2 She drew a handkerchief from the pocket of her apron and very lightly dabbed her eyes .
3 Roman slid the zip of her black cotton dress down to her waist and she shivered as his hand gently explored her smooth shoulder and traced a line from the sensitive pulse in her throat to the valley between her breasts .
4 A fire broke out minutes after take-off ; the pilot reportedly called the control tower at Jeddah airport and was told to dump his fuel and return , but the plane crashed a kilometre from the runway and burst into flames .
5 She found a notepad from the Shelbourne and scribbled the word Grimoire down .
6 We had with us a Danakil from the Awash Station , not only as guide but also as hostage , and would not be releasing him until he found a replacement from the next tribe .
7 In one of the two miniature drawers that flanked the mirror he found a letter from the girl 's father , postmarked New York .
8 In another development , a court in Grenoble found a player from the third-division club Rives-Renage ‘ entirely responsible for the consequence of his lack of direction ’ , and sentenced him ( and his insurers ) to pay damages of FF923,000 ( about £10,000 ) to his victim Joseph Nieto , the president of the visiting club , Jarrie .
9 Further back sat a heavy wooden table , and on it she found a note from the building 's owner , informing her that provisions had been left in the fridge , that there was an ample supply of coal and logs in the shed outside , and wishing her ‘ good snow and happy skiing ’ .
10 Very apologetically , she moved a dog from the corner of the sofa nearest to Aunt Tossie and reached for her cup and saucer .
11 The Guardian of June 14 , 1990 , reported a warning from the Vienna-based International Helsinki Federation accusing the government of back-tracking on its immigration commitments and of pursuing " an extremely restrictive policy " .
12 An assistant master at Eton reported a message from the dean 's wife , a delectable woman : ‘ We have a new canon here at Durham .
13 Further , many public agencies wanted land for future development proposals , but a lack of activity within inner-city land markets , and accusations of land hoarding by the public sector , triggered a response from the 1979 Conservative government .
14 In such primitive surroundings , amid the stunning beauties of the island and the glories of the Aegean , where fishermen still wrested a living from the sea and farmers scrabbled one from the land , Leonard found his peace ; his ‘ sitting-down time , ’ as he called it , where he could — as all poets must — recollect in tranquillity .
15 The operation involved a tendon from a dead man 's leg being grafted onto Salako 's knee .
16 The younger Dr Gysi used a term from the 1920s when he said he stood for a ‘ third path between Stalinism and capitalism ’ .
17 Wie gehts ? ’ shouted a voice from the darkness .
18 Marcus put his cup on the floor , snatched a biscuit from the plate and held it absently between finger and thumb .
19 POLICE are hunting two youths who snatched a handbag from a woman walking alone in broad daylight .
20 Then she snatched a cigarette from a box , her hand shaking so much she laughed at the difficulty she had in lighting it .
21 His opponent was clumsily getting to his feet as Fleury snatched a violin from a rack of worm-eaten instruments ( the survivors of an attempt by the Collector to start a symphony orchestra in the cantonment ) , snapped it over his knee and leapt on to the sepoy 's back , at the same time whipping the violin strings tightly round the sepoy 's neck and dragging on them like reins .
22 Gurdon transplanted a nucleus from the cells lining the gut of a swimming tadpole into the ‘ enucleated ’ egg .
23 Anglia Polytechnic University 's Richard Davies and Marcus Staff defeated a team from the University of Coventry in the third round of the Observer Moot .
24 In one of the country 's most negative and vicious campaigns Jesse Helms , the conservative Republican senator from North Carolina , defeated a challenge from the former mayor of Charlotte , Harvey Gantt , by 53 per cent of the vote to 47 per cent .
25 Support for the Republic provided an escape from the complexities of international relations and the frustrations of confronting an apparently immovable reactionary government in Britain .
26 A few days after the discovery , local authorities received a call from a woman claiming to be a clairvoyant .
27 We received a call from the hospital , which had by this time received the results of the X-rays .
28 Twelve days later I received a call from an exultant Sylvia who told me that , on the previous evening , she had in fact managed to go right into the cupboard and switch off the light .
29 Ten days later Jack Williamson , as the owner of the boat , received a bill from the Canadian government requesting immediate payment of $15. as the cost of one six-pound shell fired across our bows that evening .
30 In December 1886 the Home Office received a memorial from the Clapham Vigilance Association , complaining that Clapham Common was ‘ infested ’ with prostitutes of the lowest type and that actual fornication was shamelessly committed on benches close to the public roadway .
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