Example sentences of "[vb past] and [verb] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His canonry was not of Oxford but of Kobe , of the Anglican Church in Japan , but it was the Oxford Diocesan Clergy Cricket side which he captained and ran for 25 years .
2 Fairview New Homes has a number of sites in North East London designed and priced for first-time buyers .
3 After taking the final Examination the following year he trained and worked for six months as an Assistant Solicitor with a general practice in Hull .
4 Sometimes the thread was misery , sometimes the black joy of an earth , blasted and left for dead , that went on labouring in darkness to renew itself .
5 Inspired by the coral coasts of Papua New Guinea ( where Liz lived and worked for nine years ) , this aquarium on silk is made by using a rubber-based glue called gutta in the same way that wax is used in the batik process .
6 Benjamin turned and shouted for more wine .
7 Gbedemah unselfishly withdrew and stood for another seat .
8 Every moment of Rainbow 's existence during my time at the Fair has been tracked , recorded , docketed and programmed for easy-edit , so I am able to wipe , play-back , freeze-frame or skim fast over the boring bits .
9 That night the rain began and continued for twenty-four hours .
10 The ‘ dressing room ’ in each saloon was converted into a bathroom containing copper and silver-plated bath-tubs , wooden cased and lidded and plumbed for hot and cold water .
11 His blue eyes were bright and clear and the frequent pump of adrenaline through his veins as he tracked and shot for fourteen successive days had left his senses sharpened , on a high edge of alertness .
12 She thought and thought for some time , and then she smiled .
13 She stamped her feet , wept and refused for two days to eat or — once her initial reaction had been volubly expressed — speak .
14 So she learns to give all her stories happy endings and take her troubles to bed with her — after she has cooked , cleaned , washed and ironed and prepared for another day .
15 At the end of my five laps , I wheedled and wangled for another session , saying that the photographer needed more time to get his shots .
16 They laughed and cried and called for more .
17 In the 1970s he was detained without charge or trial for five years and tortured and held for long periods in leg-irons .
18 While they advocated and worked for such extensions of democracy the European social democratic parties , whether or not they claimed to be Marxist and revolutionary , were also , for the most part , firmly committed to political democracy in the narrower sense ; and where the necessary conditions were present — the legal existence of socialist parties , elections conducted on the basis of ( at least ) universal male suffrage , and participation in parliament and government — they made plain that although they did not renounce extra-parliamentary forms of class action they envisaged the transition from capitalism to socialism as coming about through the will of a majority of citizens , clearly and publicly expressed in elections .
19 Day 26 Purchased and paid for another 100 sets of seats and backrests .
20 They were often accompanied on such excursions by Christopher Sykes , who has recalled one wet Saturday afternoon when , in the Hospital gardens , they watched a football match between the Marylebone dustmen and the Chelsea Municipal Maintenance Staff : " The forlorn scene fascinated Eliot and in spite of the cold and the drizzle he stayed and watched for several minutes " .
21 Diana looked half-frozen herself and battled with a useless umbrella ; the feather on her hat began to flop , yet she stayed and chatted for longer than ever , as if to reward the people for their patience .
22 People who lived if their leader were successful , and who bled and died for each of his mistakes .
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