Example sentences of "[vb past] and [verb] [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 George , it has to be faced , was a bore ; he grunted and grumbled and refused to take his wife out to dinner on the grounds that the night air would bring on his fever .
2 Later that morning , Yanto stopped and stretched to ease his aching back .
3 Wedged inside that drum he drowned , his little legs waggling pathetically as he gulped and squirmed and tried to get his arms into a position from which he could lever himself out .
4 Bully barked and tried to put his paws on her chest , but was held back by the man .
5 Hewett turned and rushed to help his comrade .
6 He looked about him , his head lifted , his heart suddenly warmed by their concern for him , then turned and began making his way back to the imperial craft .
7 It was after twelve o'clock when Giles arrived and began unpacking his hammers .
8 She giggled and tried to escape his hand .
9 Owen cursed and tried to wriggle his way round , failed and had to cut across in front of the donkeys laden with bread and water to give to the poor at the tomb .
10 She worked and leapt to meet his onslaught .
11 Hammond laughed and began to shake his head , then stopped , seeing how Kim was looking at him .
12 Conrad laughed and tried to tuck his shirt back into his waistband .
13 In other words , Lyons , a man who preferred and prefers to make his bargaining points through the media , was prepared to disrupt vital supplies , inflicting untold damage to the economy , without having had any direct discussion with us as to our plans or policies .
14 She listened to the way he spoke and began imitating his careful diction , and her natural grace was an asset when she walked at his side .
15 Before he was ordained , however , he married and had to resign his Fellowship .
16 He came out of the library when he saw it was me , shook my hand and said ‘ Terrible thing , terrible thing ’ a few times , while Beethoven sounded loudly from the opened library door and his wife tutted and tried to smooth his errant hair .
17 Rincewind groaned and tried to dig his way into the moss with his shoulderblades , then gasped as the pain hit him .
18 It was cold feet , but probably only on behalf of the ministry the government the whole structure that George derided and had committed his life to .
19 Tom handed him a towel and after he had dried himself and had his hair rubbed and combed and had put his pyjamas on , he sat down on the pouffe by the armchair while Tom sat ready to tell him a story .
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