Example sentences of "[vb past] be [v-ing] with his " in BNC.

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1 Isabel 's personal integrity had been there in her clear gaze all the time , if he 'd been thinking with his head instead of with his emotions .
2 He 'd been fiddling with his desk , had n't he ?
3 He is very strict , and would dismiss me if he found out I 'd been interfering with his books .
4 The first , that with so much burnt umber on his hands he looked as though he 'd been playing with his own shit .
5 A thud of chopping — movement between the tree trunks — a labourer was coming towards him , one of the consignment of convicts he had ordered through a merchant in Bideford , he had his machete in his hand , he was not menacing , he held out his spare hand in a strange appeal , lifting his face , which was crossed by deep scars , wounds across his eyes had puckered them right in so that he moved like a blind sleeper , closer and closer — Sir John woke up sweating , surprised to find himself alone , and then remembered : he had been drinking with his cousin Alexander Menzies of Bolfracks , the last bottle must have sent him under .
6 Corporal Stephen Paterson had been drinking with his friend , Senior Aircraftsman Douglas Bailey , before the catastrophic fire at RAF Hullavington .
7 Nicholas had been living with his widowed mother in London .
8 He said he had been living with his parents in Fazakerley , and had been sub-letting the flat to another man .
9 Apparently , Marr had been driving with his wife when he spun out of control and smashed into a brick wall .
10 The courtheard Mr James had been arguing with his pregnant girlfriend 16 year old Jessie Barnes at the time .
11 He stopped , and there was a pause , and then someone started to clap at the back of the studio , and George , who had been sitting with his chin on his chest , impassively listening , looked up .
12 Filmer had been sitting with his back to me , it was true , but near enough to overhear .
13 Angalo , who had been sitting with his chin in his hands , gave him an odd look .
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