Example sentences of "[vb past] be [vb pp] for he " in BNC.

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1 He presumed they had been written for him to use as references for his next employer , but he tore them up angrily .
2 From all that he heard , it was clear that Gaddafi 's position had been secured for him in a way that his palace guard and secret police could never have managed on their own .
3 Ken told the story as though it had been scripted for him for Hancock 's Half Hour .
4 The stick concealed a rifle microphone , which , after much debate — over the alternative merits of contacts , spikes , tubes , any number of possible bugs — had been manufactured for him .
5 He found that a quiet bay gelding had been saddled for him , and mounted along with the others , the Hearthwares hissing with effort as they pulled the weight of their armour into the saddle .
6 Nicholson could not now appear in the film because he was too old for the original role which had been designated for him , and anyway he wanted to give it his fullest attention as director .
7 His clothes , some of them old things of Theo 's which had been altered for him , were shabby , and were getting spattered with paint .
8 Just that she had assumed that the booking had been made for him and someone else .
9 She went and fetched out the folded garments for him , and went about her business at the clay oven outside while he stripped and dressed himself again in the good Welsh clothes that had been made for him .
10 The suit had been tailored for him in London , at a cost of some one hundred and fifty guineas — not by Edouard de Chavigny 's own tailors , Gieves of Savile Row , but by another man who could do a cheaper , and passable , imitation .
11 The young Irish champion had made a big impression on his regular cross-channel trips last season , and a place with Swift or Van Diemen had been earmarked for him ever since he stunned the British series regulars by winning the opening round of the 1992 championship .
12 As he wrote the words , he knew quite well that his grave had been dug for him the day before , once a reprieve had been refused .
13 A specially constructed harness had been devised for him in one of the clinically white rooms where analysis was conducted .
14 He painfully scrawled on the piece of paper which had been left for him : HOW IS YOUR MOTHER ?
15 ‘ Bexton thought he had gone back to Norway and no money had been left for him .
16 Beside him sat a man of such immense proportions that Eddie Stratton wondered how he could ever fit into the seat that had been booked for him on the flight to Heathrow , scheduled to leave in forty minutes ' time .
17 And he did not look to be equal to the formidable task of escaping the net that had been spread for him .
18 An argument developed because Mr Brown told her that the new chauffeur the company had just taken on could use her car while she was away , as the car that had been ordered for him had not arrived .
19 Forgetting his earlier disgust at the food that had been set for him , he thought only that this girl would appreciate it , whatever its quality .
20 This is a more generous protest even than it seems at first sight , for Jacob 's possessions include Esau 's birthright , and Isaac 's blessing that had been meant for him .
21 He took to the Cobra position as if it had been designed for him .
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