Example sentences of "[vb past] be [vb pp] for [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Karen had dipped badly in her A-levels and had done two years in a commerce school before she 'd been accepted for her degree course .
2 The third she found broken , knocked over on to its side , the water dripping from a puddle on the windowsill on to a seat below and through that on to the floor , and the flowers scattered and brown-edged , as if they 'd been picked for their beauty and freshness by a little girl and then loosed regardlessly on the path from her sticky hands as she ran off to do something else .
3 The side which lost were reprimanded for their weakness ; the side which won could have anything they wanted from new horses to new leaders .
4 But he always liked being asked for his opinion : it made him feel important and he had never understood why people needed to go on assertiveness courses .
5 The Social Security Advisory Committee had been asked for its solution to the argument about when men and women should retire .
6 had been asked for his advice , had recommended someone , and been told to approach him .
7 Mr Fallon had been asked for his help in December by worried Darlington firemen .
8 He reminded them of how their predecessors had been punished for their wickedness and repeatedly urged obedience to the commands of the Church .
9 Compaore on Jan. 9 ordered the rehabilitation of over 4,000 people who had been punished for their political or trades union activities since 1983 , when Capt. Thomas Sankara took power .
10 His wife now feared that they had been punished for his presumption .
11 There was nothing to spare unless he used the rupee that he had been given for his own food .
12 By July , Wolfgang had been rewarded for his efforts with a formal appointment to the post he had filled in an honorary capacity — on and off — for the past three years , that of konzertmeister .
13 I had the feeling that she was married and had children , but the front room had been designated for her activities , which took place on Thursday , Friday and Saturday evenings .
14 The SPD polled an average of 26.64 per cent ( 21.88 per cent in March 1990 ) , but apparently only made real inroads on CDU support in Brandenburg , with the respected East Berlin lay Protestant leader and lawyer Manfred Stolpe heading its campaign against the CDU 's Peter-Michael Diestel ( who had been criticized for his handling of the dissolution of the Stasi secret police — see p. 37828 ) .
15 The FNM attacked the size and cost of the new Cabinet and called for the resignation of Maynard and of Philip Bethel , who had been criticized for his stewardship of the Transport Ministry and the troubles of the state airline Bahamasair .
16 De Franco was appointed president of the Central Bank of Nicaragua replacing Raúl A. Lacayo Solórzano who had been criticized for his credit policies .
17 Meri had been criticized for his management of the Foreign Ministry , especially for having dismissed two deputies in February without consulting the Prime Minister .
18 And it is left obvious that the card had been printed for her aides to make notes for her forthcoming speeches .
19 The safety of the Ignalina nuclear power station in Lithuania , based on a similar design to Chernobyl' , was raised by the republican party secretary at the 19th Party Conference ; the construction of a third reactor , he complained , was proceeding before the details of its design had been approved , and before proper arrangements had been made for its security .
20 It is diverted to the alien nest where it drops into the cuckoo 's mouth the food that had been destined for its own young .
21 A cup of foaming vitriol had been prepared for my anointing by the infant 's grandmother , who was the mother of the Guider and a member of the church although not present on this occasion .
22 So , when an orphaned leopard cub was found after her mother had been killed for her skin , the infant was brought to him in the hope that he could rear it .
23 The office appointment had been intended for his elder brother Jonas , who appeared to possess the mind of a future attorney .
24 In those days the paper had sold 5.25 million copies and had been respected for its powerful , picture-led campaigning journalism , its commitment to the Labour Party , and the chord it struck with its primarily working-class readership .
25 Within the adult education profession at large , there was gratification that the existing providers had been commended for their work , but some fears lest the proposals for future grant allocation might lead to increased governmental control over courses taught .
26 On the previous day the Democratic Party had claimed that at least 200 people had been arrested for their part in the previous week 's demonstrations .
27 The failed coup of August had led to fundamental reforms of the KGB [ see p. 38372 ] and the appointment of Vadim Bakatin to replace its former chair , Vladimir Kryuchkov , who had been arrested for his part in the coup .
28 Such theories must have attracted the Eliot who so often had connected modern and savage life and whose own poetry had been attacked for its apparently illogical movements from one image to the next .
29 Bissett 's difficulty lay in the time he had been allocated for his paper on the theoretical dimensions of the device .
30 He had been tried for his life at the Guildhall and tomorrow would hang .
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