Example sentences of "[vb past] be [adj] year [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She did n't want to understand him , but heated recognition rippled through her as she stared at his mouth , as unwillingly fascinated by its sensual curve as she had been six years ago , when all her breathlessly adored heroes had suddenly become prosaic and petty with the advent of the man from Hong Kong .
2 It was Marguerite as she had been many years ago , and Jenna saw what her father had seen , what she herself saw now — the attraction of kindness , of calm good humour .
3 Fräulein had been two years already at The Towers .
4 The ensuing reforms were implemented piecemeal and did not fundamentally change the system , but procedure was considerably more summary by 1900 than it had been fifty years earlier .
5 What was perhaps most crucial to the success of Impressionism in financial terms was its modern stance , as closely identified with contemporary life at the turn of the century as Romanticism had been fifty years before .
6 What had Julius seen in the nineteen-year-old girl she had been five years ago that had made him want to grab her and marry her , without even really knowing her ?
7 Most head teachers questioned thought the position was worse than it had been five years earlier .
8 He was a mainstay of City government in the crisis caused by plague in 1593 , when he was in his seventies , just as he had been thirty years before , in the devastating epidemic of 1563 .
9 But that had been thirty years before , and the British were still there .
10 What she did was to go through her cupboards , where she discovered a dress which had once belonged to Clara 's cousin , and which had been enclosed years before in a charitable parcel of hands-on .
11 That had been twelve years ago , just one year after the Chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council had promoted him to Director at the Atomic Energy Commission .
12 Have n't talked since that marvellous Bassanio you did at the Vic ’ — that had been fifteen years before — ‘ lovely performance . ’
14 This image of a pion transmuting was as important to particle physics as Rutherford 's discovery of the transmutation of the elements had been 40 years earlier .
15 The concentration of production in a few firms was considerably more marked in 1970 than it had been 15 years earlier , and many economists attribute around half the increase in concentration in the 1960s to the merger boom during those years .
16 The hands moved away , downwards , across the hard muscle of his stomach that was as tough and flat as it had been ten years ago , when he was eighteen .
17 The division of the movement suggested this and the spectre of a resurgent Germany under Hitler 's leadership made Fascism as alien as Bolshevism had been ten years before .
18 In 1973 Esquire magazine asked a number of famous people where they had been ten years earlier when they heard that John Kennedy was assassinated .
19 The windows had been broken years ago but the railway company had boarded the frames up with wooden battens which were very effective ; they did however allow a view into the building and although the children could see in they were fascinated with the place and were happy playing in the cutting .
20 In Berlin , Bismarck pretended to believe that the internal instability affecting France presented a danger to the peace of Europe , remarking to the British Ambassador that : ‘ If the present Constitutional Government in France had been three years instead of three months in existence , there would be some chance for its duration and the maintenance of peace . ’
21 I enjoyed the gnocchi in a friendly watering hole along the road , however , and the Elban wine was just as good as it had been 30 years ago .
22 He was a vassal , as indeed his father had been forty years earlier .
23 From 1859 caves became exciting to geologists , as they had been forty years earlier when Buckland looked for evidence of the Deluge .
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