Example sentences of "[vb past] the [noun sg] that she " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She outlined her regard for the children and made the point that she showed them more attention than the Prince of Wales appeared to . ’
2 I know Ellen Garwood loved to call him Mr Green , and when she would write me letters thinking that Mr Green was her real son , I got the impression that she was talking to me on the telephone underneath her bed , about the fun she was having .
3 He then made one or two suggestions for limiting her liability , but got the impression that she was indifferent to his suggestions as though she thought it would be a waste of time to put them forward .
4 ‘ I got the impression that she had several on a string . ’
5 With Mrs. Thatcher you never got the feeling that she was being advised against her wishes , with John Major I 'm not so sure that 's true .
6 And she definitely did n't want to be around when he got the news that she wanted a divorce .
7 Wycliffe pointed to a chair and she sat down , but her manner conveyed the message that she was making no concessions .
8 He conveyed the idea that she had known all of them in the beauty of her youth and theirs , and most of them had been her beaux .
9 They 've traced former clients through her address books , and checked the possibility that she was murdered by a serial killer who 's struck elsewhere in Britain .
10 In that moment , despite the grim task awaiting her in Winchester , she savoured the knowledge that she was free of Gloucester Castle with its dark atmosphere of frustrated anger and intrigue .
11 I saw now exactly why , when General Francis 's name came up , Daisy bemoaned the fact that she had not been born twenty years earlier .
12 Throughout this , Esther maintained the fiction that she was in love with her older brother Saul , and maintained it so well that not even Alix and Liz knew the truth of the matter .
13 Later her brother unwittingly reinforced the impression that she hired and fired staff when he said : ‘ In a quiet way she has weeded out a lot of the hangers-on who surrounded Charles . ’
14 Upon the use of ‘ Esq ’ or ‘ Mr ’ in addressing communications — a choice which Mr McBain is content to leave to instinct — perhaps one might direct his attention to the response of an old Ayrshire lady who received the suggestion that she should address a local worthy as ‘ Esq ’ with some bewilderment .
15 She dropped the bowl that she was using to the floor .
16 But McLean told the jury that she had joined in and also stamped on Mrs McMullen 's stomach and throat .
17 The 22-year-old told the jury that she had entered what she thought was a taxi at an Alloa stance about 1:45am on 26 October .
18 Shortly afterwards Miss T. told the midwife that she did not want a blood transfusion .
19 A teacher in the Transylvanian city of Cluj told the Guardian that she saw corpses lying in the streets after troops opened fire on demonstrators .
20 She told the court that she had known eighteen-year-old Beno for three years , that in 1941 he had lost his power of speech when his lodgings suffered a direct hit , and that thereafter he had lived with the fantasy of becoming an air force officer .
21 Parul Courtney told the court that she knew he had made love to other women , but added : ‘ My husband is not the first person to have an affair , nor the last . ’
22 Ms Sultana told the judge that she believed that she would only be truly married when she went through a religious ceremony in a mosque according to her faith .
23 She told the judge that she now believed that Mr Ahmed , a Pakistani national , used the passport copy and subsequent marriage certificate to remain in this country .
24 She told the Herald that she would miss Le Court and probably be homesick for a little while but she wanted to spend more time with her husband and family .
25 She stood up and told the meeting that she agreed .
26 He may also have been hit with a rifle butt afterwards.Joan Mann told the hearing that she understood there were several traitors in the Croat camp .
27 Midwife Christine Hall told the hearing that she could not remember whether she notified the registrar when she noticed some deceleration in the heartbeat at 4.25pm but did so when she became worried at 7.30pm .
28 She told the tribunal that she had been pressured and bullied into working after commercial pressures forced Franlow to start trading on Sundays from May 1992 .
29 There was another reason which Marama did n't reveal , until the day before he was due to sail , when she told the painter that she was three months pregnant .
30 ‘ Cara Kingsdale , ’ she replied , and , while he ignored the fact that she had yesterday told him that her name was Fabia , she again experienced an uncomfortable feeling at having to lie to him .
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