Example sentences of "[vb past] we [vb infin] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Sister Constance , who was the then the principal sister there she let us have the field so we got entertainment laid on we invited a celebrity , I think our first celebrity was erm I think it was Lord and Lady and then each time we had a different one , we had entertainment the whole time we started , about half past two and then we had entertainment until six then we had an interval then we had entertainment till twelve o'clock I even took my piano down onto the field so that we could have music .
2 Tactics for outwitting the ticket office phone system and managing to get hold of tickets ( the consensus was use the Fax Method — if it helped us get a replay against Stuttgart , just think what it can do when you want a ticket for West Ham away on a Tuesday night in December )
3 So you 've got nine plus four Did we do a sample all day ?
4 Oh did we do a copy for him ?
5 When did we do the gypsy camp ?
6 Yeah we did did we organize a sweeper for today .
7 What happened , did we knock the fork off ?
8 Did we pass a row of dustbins on the way here ? ’
9 that funnel right now how did we control the speed at which the acid went in .
10 In no way did we want a union type association , it was all to be kept low key and friendly , which suited both ourselves and our administration , for we already had an official union which catered for the needs of the Customs and Excise in general .
11 Did we make a coach for , for Toby , Henrie can you buy Henrietta ?
12 Well we know we 've changed the resistance so did we make the resistance more or less ?
13 ‘ Then why did we change the name if we were so proud of him ? ’
14 Nigel : Did we change the cover to green ?
15 ‘ At no time did we throw the towel in .
16 Did we get a date ?
17 Did we get the tape recorder back alright ?
18 Oh did we have a look at that ?
19 Or did we have a reader ?
20 Did we have a lot to drink ? ’
21 ‘ Girls , did we have a difference of opinion ? ’
22 Nor did we have a talk beforehand because he was on the stage doing a turn with somebody else — I think they call it a warm-up .
23 Davidson emphasises above his own role in Provincial 's response a team effort , not only in the sense that he had to delegate a great deal in such a multi-faceted role — although ‘ logically planning goes together with finance and not only did we have the capacity to take on overseas but control of subsidiaries fits too ’ — to his deputies , and , but that the whole company was involved .
24 At that time , of course , unemployment was not the major issue it is today , neither did we have the burden of AIDS , but I still maintain that the most important changes we can make are the ones inside our own heads .
25 Did we envisage the development of partnership as an additional responsibility for the staff involved ?
26 Yet never did we instigate a fracas ; provocation always came from the other fellows , for various reasons ; maybe they did n't like Jews , or as often happened , they simply threw a challenge in order to test our ability to rule the roost .
27 ‘ What did we need a television set for ? ’ demands Howard wonderingly .
28 This became tiring , so I called a halt and suggested that Eddy , who was taller than I , should be the next horse — or did we use the word ‘ donkey ’ ?
29 Did we see the corpse of James IV of Scotland ? ’
30 Sorry , just one other point on W O P there , I may have got it wrong , did you say earlier on that er , that if you get H I V , so the W O P benefit is n't payable , what about the al , did we say the allocation of W O P will still continue ?
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