Example sentences of "[vb past] she would [not/n't] have " in BNC.

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1 It was an experience Jacqui would never forget , and she prayed she would n't have to have this magnificent young man arrested when the end came .
2 It implied she would n't have gone with just anybody .
3 Her chihuahua was making its ‘ business ’ in the gutter , and that was a relief because it meant she would n't have to take him out again in the evening , and wait around for him .
4 At least that meant she would n't have to discard her towel under Luke 's assessing gaze , Folly thought .
5 She was delighted to see me , as it meant she would not have to go on her own , and she stood over me while , complaining bitterly , I changed into my jacket and returned with her to the revels .
6 If it had not been for a visitor arriving then and her being obliged to leave instantly she had no doubt they would have waded into deeper waters and she knew she would not have been sorry .
7 The heat of his body was like a magnet and she knew she would not have been able to move her hand even if he had let her .
8 As soon as he saw her again , however , he knew he was as much in love with her as ever , patient in his desire , for he knew she would n't have been cured of her passion for Andrew yet .
9 Robbie knew she would n't have been any more willing to leave Water Gypsy .
10 His closeness gave her comfort , and she knew she would n't have dared to venture here alone — not even to see a thousand kiwis .
11 Because she knew she would n't have the money to pay for it so we just that was her way you see .
12 Oh , only the ones I knew she would n't have .
13 She hoped she would n't have to go into details .
14 She hoped she would n't have to .
15 If she had she would n't have come in .
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