Example sentences of "[vb past] this to be the " in BNC.

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1 I found this to be the case when trying to replace a ballcock valve washer in a hot water tank in a very narrow airing cupboard .
2 He found this to be the case .
3 Alice Foley found this to be the one disagreeable aspect of her work as a sickness visitor .
4 I would not do it again ; it is too dangerous as things are today ; but the night on which I decided this to be the case was the night on which I leaned enough at my classes to decide me about Bertrand Russell , so it was well worth going .
5 When she announced she was leaving at the end of the term , I felt this to be the final betrayal , although I could not blame her , even then .
6 The general consensus of opinion on the subject — both among potential jurors and among memory experts — appears to be that extreme stress will impair memory , E. F. Loftus ( 1979 ) reported that 67% of a sample of over 500 students felt this to be the case .
7 With regard to ‘ stacking it high ’ , I understood this to be the whole point of a DIY superstore where stock is virtually guaranteed .
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