Example sentences of "[vb past] this [noun] when [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One of America 's largest defense contractors made this discovery when it asked what information its top corporate and operating managers needed to do their jobs .
2 ‘ Edward made this tray when he was doing handcrafts in the bin , ’ she said .
3 and then when I got this sheet when I joined choir went , Oh yeah I remember
4 They retained this patch when they left the Division in Tunisia .
5 Leonor Fini underlined this concern when she painted her friend Leonora Carrington in a breastplate and sensible skirt , not a fetish object but a woman warrior and a ‘ true revolutionary ’ , released from cliches of femininity .
6 The ancestors of the famous American writer John dos Passos emigrated from here , and he visited this village when he came to the island in the 1950s .
7 I had an idea that if I dropped this diaper when we unloaded our bombs , it might help some mother .
8 He had often told her that it was a social disadvantage having the sort of wife he could n't take anywhere , but he dropped this line when she started appearing beside him at literary lunches and old school do 's .
9 In Capital , Volume 3 Marx noted this trend when he argued that the increasing size of enterprises made it impossible for them to be run by a single person .
10 The TUC ignored this assumption when it denied that the marriage bar was a sex issue , insisting that it was an employment question , caused entirely by the pressures arising from male unemployment .
11 The pro-Palestinian faction of the National Front expressed this view when it asserted that Zionism was an empire ‘ which menaces the whole world ’ ; Zionism was ‘ an iceberg of hidden power of which the bandit state of Israel is only the cruel tip …
12 Antony cleverly exploited this principle when he told them of Caesar 's will .
13 Fokine echoed this remark when he said ‘ every step and pose is a gesture ’ ( see page 58 ) .
14 I bought this place when I was — ’ he frowned ‘ — when I gave up motor racing .
15 I suppose my aunt performed this duty when we were back at home .
16 well yeah now , but you , you were saying this , we , we had this conversation when I 'd first got here , before any of this started to happen
17 Somehow he always had this feeling when he was with Mick .
18 I was very glad to hear that the Secretary of State , in his announcement on Tuesday , accepted this view when he said : ’ we would not wish to turn away willing and suitable volunteers ’ .
19 The Minister of State , Scottish Office , shakes his head , but he knows that the Government conceded this point when they announced that they would allow colleges to anticipate up to 10 per cent .
20 They abandoned this idea when they realised that it would mean the end of the NSDAP in Danzig .
21 Herbert Spencer , a leading nineteenth-century social theorist , crystallised this view when he wrote : ‘ The welfare of a society requires that the ethics of the Family and the ethics of the State shall be kept distinct .
22 Dr Robert South emphasized this point when he declared shortly after the Restoration that the Anglican church ‘ glories in nothing more than that she is the truest friend to kings and to kingly government of any Church in the world ’ .
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